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[ptp-dev] Re: Remote Indexing

Jason and I are currently working on the remote indexing implementation. I just got the index populating properly late last night. Over the next couple of days we'll get a few services such as Call Hierarchy up and running on top of this.

We have been waiting to do a submission until we more or less have a few things working on top of the framework so that we can show examples of how to implement some services. I would estimate that we'll be doing a patch submission to PTP sometime in the next week or two. Does that timeframe suit your needs?


Chris Recoskie
Team Lead, IBM CDT Team
IBM Toronto

Inactive hide details for "Babar, Vrushali Shrikant (Vrushali) **CTR**" <vsbabar@xxxxxxxxx>"Babar, Vrushali Shrikant (Vrushali) **CTR**" <vsbabar@xxxxxxxxx>

          "Babar, Vrushali Shrikant (Vrushali) **CTR**" <vsbabar@xxxxxxxxx>

          05/16/2008 08:06 AM


Chris Recoskie/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, Jason Montojo/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, Mike Kucera/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, Vivian Kong/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA



Remote Indexing


First of all sorry for contacting you on personal id. I am badly stuck and not seeing any help coming from anywhere so took this step.

I have developed a plugin by extending RSE and CDT which understands the environment here. Also provided compile option.
Now I am trying to induce indexing facilities.

Problem due to which I can not go for CDT local indexing –
        - Since I am dealing with remote resources, either maintaining local copy of project or creating a remote project and indexing it, takes lot of bandwidth and time.

Solution I thought of – Remote Indexing.

I am going through the documents related with remote indexing.
Please suggest if I am going for the right solution and if i can have any other solution.
I am also thinking of trying out some POC so please direct me with any material, instructions, guidelines or any help document.

As I was going through the link
I also found that some prototyping work on remote indexing has done. I would be grateful if that can be shared.
Since there is not much of documentation available, I am stuck and really hoping for reply.
Thanks in advance.

- Vrushali.

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