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[ptp-dev] Installation instructions updated for CDT 4.0.3 / Europa Winter Maintenance release

I have updated the installation instructions for PTP 2.0 located at

In particular, the Eclipse downloads page now has the "Eclipse IDE for C/C+
+ development" which now contains CDT 4.0.3
(The previous one only contained CDT 4.0.1, and PLDT requires at least CDT
4.0.2 for the new project wizards to work.)
So, this is the simplest way to install and use Eclipse and CDT if you
don't need the Java or Plug-in development features.

If anyone else has trouble using Eclipse update sites (or is too impatient
to wait for the mirrors to populate) like me,
I also included a link to a PTP Builds page at
where I provide a link to an archive of the PTP update site, which you can
download and then install offline,
still via the update manager.


Beth Tibbitts  (859) 243-4981  (TL 545-4981)
High Productivity Tools / Parallel Tools
IBM T.J.Watson Research Center
Mailing Address:  IBM Corp., 745 West New Circle Road, Lexington, KY 40511

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