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Re: [ptp-dev] Suggestions for PTP runtime view

On Jul 18, 2007, at 11:47 AM, Dave Wootton wrote:

I've got a couple people on my team testing my PE resource manager
implementation and they noted a few suggestions for improvement of the PTP
runtime view

1) The purpose of the red 'Terminate all' icon in the jobs view is a
little confusing. I had understood the purpose of this icon to terminate
all running jobs. It turns out that it (correctly, I think) terminates
only the currently selected job. Maybe the tooltip help for the icon could
clarify this by reading something like 'Teminate selected job'

I think the original meaning was 'terminate all processes in the selected job', rather than terminate all jobs. I'll clarify this.

2) The process info window in the machine view should be a scrollable
window, horizontally and vertically. Currently, the info I have displayed in there gets truncated unless the user drags the slider widget to expand
the window, and the window has no scrollbars.

Should be easy to add...

3) The node attributes window in the machine view shows the proxy
generated node id as one of the attributes for the node. I don't think
this number means anything to the user, and should not be part of the
display. (If this is something I'm doing in my proxy code, let me know and
I will fix it).

No, you're not doing anything wrong. Currently all node attributes are displayed. I could hardcode this so that the ID is ignored, but it wouldn't be a very a general solution. Perhaps attributes should have a flag to indicate they are not for display purposes?

I'll pass on more suggestions as I get them.



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