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Re: [ptp-dev] About enhancing ptp debugger's support for Fortran language

Hi Robbie,

You'll need to create a new AIF Type and Value interface in org.eclipse.ptp.debug.core.aif and corresponding classes in org.eclipse.ptp.debug.core.internal.aif. You'll also need to update org.eclipse.ptp.debug.core.aif.AIFFactory to parse the new type. 

I'm not sure what else you need to do to display the AIF value in the variables view. Clement, can you describe what else needs to be done (if anything)?


On Jan 11, 2007, at 7:45 AM, jiangyangtz wrote:

Hi all,
Currently we are doing some work to make ptp debugger support Fortran programming language, at least Fortran 77.
The difficulty lies in the construction and parse of AIF object of the Fortran data types.
First,the sdmsvr needes to encapsulate the data in AIF package. Most of Fortran primitive type can be converted to AIF data using currently available routines, which are provided to convert C data type to AIF. For example, the type INTEGER*1 can be converted using routines for "char" type in C,  and the type INTEGER*4 can be converted using routines for "int" type in C.However, for the "complex" type, there is no similar type in C. So we invent a new fds for complex data: xl, where 'x' represents complex and 'l' is the size of the data.For sigle precision complex, l is 8 and for double precision complex, l is 16. And the data buffer of complex AIF is composed by two consecutive buffers, each of which is the same as the buffer for float or double. In this way, "SimpleVartoAIF" can handle most of the primitive data types of Fortran language.
The AIF data need to be presented in UI. So the AIF data must be parsed and converted to String firtst. But by now, I cann't figure out which class/object is responsible for handling the returned debug string and parsing the AIF data to String. It must be determined in order to add new code to parse the new AIF data of the Complex type. I have spent several days in reading ptp source code but sitll failed to get any idea.
Can anybody help to point out the direction?
Best regards,

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