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[ptp-dev] Eclipse Technology projects website standards

Dear Technology Project Committers:

Please read this email carefully because it includes instructions for something that you must do. Your project website does not properly report project status. As a consequence your project must attend "website school" wherein you and committers from other technology projects will work together to rectify this condition. 

1. You must enroll at least one committer from your project in one of the two school sessions to be conducted by conference call. Choose one of yourselves that understands how your website is organized and can edit the text files associated with the project-status infrastructure. If you are not sure who this is, or how they are to be chosen, discuss this on your dev list now. Attendance is mandatory and attendance will be taken. The session choices are:

Monday, November 27, 1pm Eastern, 10am Pacific (1 hour)
Thursday, December 7, 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific (1 hour)
866-362-7064 or 613-287-8000 particpant passcode 874551#

Enroll this week by sending one email per project to emo@xxxxxxxxxxx listing attendee(s), contact information, and selected session. Enroll early as sessions may fill. 

2. You, as a website school attendee, must cooperatively read, understand, and follow the published instructions for project status reporting. You will be excused from class once all attendees have successfully tested their work. You may expedite this work by reading or even completing the instructions before class, but your attendance is still required to help others. The instructions appear here:

That's it. Two steps. But, remember, even though only one person from your project must attend the class, you are all responsible for that person's attendance and success. 

Website school has been invented by the Technology PMC as a form of "friendly nagging" for projects that haven't yet found the time to conform to Eclipse website standards. Please take this seriously as it is the kindest reminder we could concoct before commencing unfriendly nagging. PMC meeting minutes appear here:

I thank you for your attention. 

Best regards,

Ward Cunningham

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