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Re: [ptp-dev] cannot get breakpoint information error

Are you working from the CVS or v1.0?

A few things to check:

1. Open Window->Preferences...->Run/Debug->Perspective and check the settings for Parallel Application are set to switch perspective (or ask to switch).

2. Check the PTP->Debug preferences are set to register process 0 automatically (the perspective switch won't happen without this)

3. If you're using v1.0 then your gdb must be version 6.2 or earlier. If you're using CVS then it must be 6.3 or later. There's a grey area with 6.3, so I'd suggest upgrading to 6.4 or later just in case.

Finally, debugging Fortran has not been tested and depends on how well it is handled by the version of gdb you're using. 

If you're still getting problems after checking the above, and you're running from CVS, please do the following:

1. Uncomment the #define DEBUG line in org.eclipse.ptp.debug.sdm/src/mi/MISession.c and rebuild/reinstall the SDM.

2. Send me the resulting console output.



On Oct 18, 2006, at 9:06 AM, yang ke wrote:

I tried to debug an MPI Fortran program. Debugees all launched and hit breakpoint at main. But there was no prompt for switching to Parallel Debug perspective, process 0 was not registered automatically, and the source file was not opened.
I opened Parallel Debug perspective,and the source file manually, then I came across a big problem. When I double clicked the left edge of the source editor to set a breakpoint, sdm reported error getting breakpoint information and all tasks exited.
I used mpif77 to compile and link. There is only gfortran installed. I dont know if it was caused by my choice of binary parsers(sorry, I dont know about the long list of binary parsers, so I left them unchanged).  Thanks for listening. :-D  

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