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[ptp-dev] PTP pre-req info (Eclipse versions)

Per Alan's suggestion in Oregon I added some notes to the PTP downloads
page and builds page.
I said:

Note about Eclipse versions:
      PTP 1.0 works with Eclipse 3.1.2, and CDT 3.0.2
      PTP 1.0 works with Eclipse 3.2, and CDT 3.1. The MPI Development
      Tools do not work with CDT 3.1, so instead get the newer build of the
      PLDT on the Builds page.

I think this is right. Someone please correct me if this is wrong.


Beth Tibbitts  (859) 243-4981  (TL 545-4981)
High Productivity Tools / Parallel Tools
IBM T.J.Watson Research Center
Mailing Address:  IBM Corp., 455 Park Place, Lexington, KY 40511

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