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Re: [ptp-dev] About sdm build

The only dependency the SDM has on the runtime is getting the debugger (and application) launched. Unfortunately, I think that's the problem you're seeing.

The good news is that the MPICH people  are making some changes to the mpd to support the debugger. The bad news is I don't know when it will be ready.

Here's how it works for OMPI:

1. To start debugging an N process application, we first request a process allocation for N processes for the application. We then launch the SDM as an N+1 process job. You can see this code in org.eclipse.ptp.orte/src/ptp_orte_proxy.c

2. OMPI returns a job ID for the application process allocation, and this is passed as an argument to the SDM during the launch.

3. The SDM sets some OMPI specific environment variables in the startup code. You can see this in org.eclipse.ptp.debug.sdm/src/server/server.c. This is the only OMPI specific code.

4. These environment variables get passed to each of the application processes when they are started via gdb. The runtime then uses these environment variables to determine how to set up the communication between the application processes. This happens when the application reaches MPI_Init(), say by stepping or resuming the debugger.

The problem you're seeing is that mpich2 uses different environment variables to pass the correct information to the application processes. Also, the current mpich proxy has no way to request an allocation for the application (this is the change they are making).



On Sep 9, 2006, at 1:31 AM, yang ke wrote:

Hi, Greg. 

Does sdm rely heavily on Open MPI ? If the parallel runtime is mpich2, can I build sdm using mpich2? What is the build requirements and procedure ?
 I tried to build sdm and application with mpich2. Each breakpoint before MPI_Init in the source application functions well(hit breakpoint,step over), but in case a breakpoint set on or after MPI_Init line , sdm will hang----client in poll, server in select
A deadlock?

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