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[ptp-dev] Process Sets Debugging Problem

Tonight I tried to launch an MPI debugging session with 4 processes. I created process set "newset1" for process 0 and 1, and "newset2" for process 1,2,and 3.
Set a  line breakpoint (say line 43) for newset1, and another(say line 34) for newset2. I selected newset1 to resume first, immediately I switched to newset2 and resume newset2.  Finally I found process 0 and 1 in newset1 suspended for hiting breakpoint, process 2 and 3 running without stop(but they should stop,because there is no deadlock).
I put process 1  across two different process sets, and set different breakpoints for the two sets, when I resume these sets simultaneously, the question is ,  how will the different breakpoints affect process 1?
Thank you!

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