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Re: [ptp-dev] Current build procedure

That looks good. We should add this to the documentation somewhere...


On Feb 28, 2006, at 7:58 PM, Beth Tibbitts wrote:

Per a query in the newsgroup,
I'm updating the build procedure here, based on my notes.  Corrections

This is based on Greg's ptp-dev note "build changes" on 27 Jan 2006 with a
few updates based on Greg's notes to me.

STEP 1. Unpack and build OpenMPI

Get OpenMPI 1.0.2 (pending) alpha.
Be sure to run configure as follows:
./configure --with-devel-headers --prefix=/path/to/your/ompi/install
make all
make install

At this point it's a good idea to run a small mpi program to test you have
installed OpenMPI correctly.
mpicc helloMPI.c -o hello
mpirun -np 2 hello

STEP 2. Build orte_server (Open Run Time Environment server):

1. Make sure you have the following packages:

org.eclipse.ptp.orte.OS.ARCH       to match your operating system and
architecture, e.g. org.eclipse.ptp.orte.linux.x86

2. Create and run an external command for 'configure' in the directory
org.eclipse.ptp.orte (or change to this directory and run './ configure'
manually). This will configure all three directories.

3. Run the 'all' make target for org.eclipse.ptp.orte (or change to this directory and run 'make all' manually). This will build the proxy and utils
libraries and the orte_server executable.

4. Create and run an external command for 'INSTALL' in the directory
org.eclipse.ptp.orte (or change to this directory and run './INSTALL'
manually). This will copy the executable to the appropriate location in
org.eclipse.ptp.orte.OS.ARCH.  Note: you will probably have to make it
executable e.g. chmod +x INSTALL

STEP 3. Build SDM (Scalable Debug Manager):

1. Make sure you have the following packages:


2. Create and run an external command for 'configure' in the directory
org.eclipse.ptp.debug.sdm (or change to this directory and run
'./configure' manually). This will configure all three directories.

3. Run the 'all' make target for org.eclipse.ptp.debug.sdm (or change to this directory and run 'make all' manually). This will build the proxy and
utils libraries and the sdm executable.

4. Create and run an external command for 'INSTALL'' in the directory
org.eclipse.ptp.debug.sdm (or change to this directory and run './ INSTALL' manually). This will copy the executable to the appropriate location in org.eclipse.ptp.debug.sdm.orte.OS.ARCH. Note: you will probably have to
make it executable e.g. chmod +x INSTALL

STEP 5. The rest of the story

The above steps build the C projects that are part of PTP.
Be sure to also check out the Java/PDE projects to build the Eclipse part
of PTP.
Projects to check out include:



Assuming everything builds successfully, then LAUNCH!


Beth Tibbitts  (859) 243-4981  (TL 545-4981)
IBM T.J.Watson Research Center
Mailing Address:  IBM Corp., 455 Park Place, Lexington, KY 40511

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