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[polarsys-iwg] [Election] Participating Members can vote for the eclection to the Polarsys Steering Committee.

Dear all,

As indicated in the process email sent previously, it is time to vote in the process for the election of a Participating Member to the Steering Committee.

The period of vote goes from October 2nd to October 8th.

Potential voters are the representative of:
- Atos
- Intecs
- Obeo
- Soyatec

We have two candidates:
- Gaël Blondelle from Obeo
- Raphaël Faudou from Atos

You can express your vote by sending an email to emo@xxxxxxxxxxx with the following subject: "Election to the Steering Committee" and put the name of the candidate you vote for.

Best regards,
Gaël Blondelle

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