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[polarsys-iwg] [Elections] Raphaël Faudou (AtoS) candidacy

Dear all, Dear Polarsys Participating members,


Through this message I want to present my candidacy to become the representative of Participating Members to the Polarsys Steering Committee on behalf of AtoS.



Why is AtoS a good idea?

·         As the main involved actor in TOPCASED, we have now strong experience in building and maintaining an ecosystem for industry. We know the strengths and limits of the current model. I have personally explained the main limits in OPEES WP1 and in Papyrus / TOPCASED Change Control Boards and suggested improvements so that we progress on those points in PolarSys.

·         As a Long Term Support master provider we think we can play a balanced role between end users and the whole provider community and help finding the right win-win compromise.


If I’m elected my first actions will be:

·         Manage discussions between end users and service/technology providers to reach a first version of the change management process before end of 2012. This process will take into account money flow so that each actor finds real interest on using it.

·         Encourage the creation of international PolarSys partnership through the coordination of local actors like Fraunhofer in Germany, Intecs in Italy...

·         Meet the automotive industry service providers and invite them to coordinate efforts with PolarSys on Very Long Term Support processes and on associated business model


Do not hesitate to ask questions about this candidacy.


Kind regards

Raphaël Faudou




 Raphaël Faudou
Embedded & Critical Systems

Head of R&D, methods & tools

 T +33 5 34 363 289

 F +33 5 34 363 100 

 M +33 6 10 53 50 44     


 6 Impasse Alice Guy
 B.P. 43045
 31024 Toulouse Cedex 03




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