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Re: [platform-ui-dev] Activate the "Show in the Original Location" by default for minimized stacks?

The console has buttons to display itself on new content. If it is minimized it does what you describe. 

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 8:56 PM, Andrey Loskutov <loskutov@xxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks for reminder. I was looking for that preference for a long time but I was unable to find where I can switch that off.
I'm right that this preference is *not* available in the usual Window->Preferences dialog? If yes, we should first allow users to *find* that option!
And yes, current behavior is one of most irritating and annoying things most 3.x users are facing if they switch to 4.x. Some of my peers gave me feedback after our migration to 4.6 that "Almost everything works, but Console view is broken some now". They meant exsct this strange behavior of the popping up console previously sitting in the minimized stack.
So from me (and my lab) +1 to change the default, but only if this can be controlled in a usual way and also if this can be done via product customization (so that one can override the default, whatever it will be).

Please open two bugs: human way to find and change the preference and to flip the default.

Am 3. Juli 2017 18:37:20 MESZ schrieb Lars Vogel <lars.vogel@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
>Friends of Platform UI,
>If you activate a view in a minimized stack it is displayed as
>"overlay". See overlay.png screenshot.
>We have the option to show the view in its original location. See
>option.png and the resulting showinitsoriginallocation.png.
>Do you like the current default? For me, the current default of
>overlay rendering looks does not look good. Maybe we should change the
>Best regards, Lars

Kind regards,
Andrey Loskutov
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