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Re: [platform-ui-dev] status of splitting org.eclipse.ui


Ran the test suites using the new configuration on a 20020925 build and
they all passed.


                      "Kai-Uwe Maetzel"                                                                               
                      <Kai-Uwe_Maetzel@oti.c         To:      platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx                             
                      om>                            cc:                                                              
                      Sent by:                       Subject: [platform-ui-dev] status of splitting org.eclipse.ui    
                      09/24/2002 05:06 PM                                                                             
                      Please respond to                                                                               

We have completed the initial transition to the new structure of

Kim updated the CVS module "platform-ui"  to contain all the plug-ins that
are part of the new structure. Dean ran a nightly build to make sure that
the new structure does not cause serious build failures. We ran multiple
tests to ensure that the new layout can be used for self hosting. To update
your workspace you can delete org.eclipse.ui and check out the module
"platform-ui". You can work with binary projects by importing
org.eclipse.ui and all its required projects using the PDE import wizard.

In addition to the changes outlined in the announcement we made the
following modifications:
- Rather than having  fragments we have released the "everything is a
plug-in" version. This is because we experienced problems when importing
the fragments as binary projects and also when running the build machinery
we use for nightly and integration builds. Depending on the progress we
make in solving these issues and accelerating class loading we might switch
back to fragments in the future.
- We  renamed source folders where appropriate using "src" for the default
source folder and "extensions"  for  the folder containing package
fragments of packages defined in required plug-ins.
- class PreferenceStore: We removed the newly introduced usage of This needs to be solved in an
org.eclipse.core.runtime independent way if JFace should not depend on this
plug-in (to be decided).
- class FontRegistry: We removed newly introduced dependency on WorkbenchUI
and the usage of This needs to be solved in
an org.eclipse.core.runtime independent way if JFace should not depend on
this plug-in (to be decided).
- class Dialog: We changed the package visible fields to protected.

When working with the new layout you might see the following types of
- ClassNotFoundException  if there are problems in the plug-in dependencies
- IllegalArgumentException in the case of accessing package visible members
from package fragments located in different plug-ins. We tested multiple
scenarios and fixed several of those problems. It still might occur. You
can solve this problem by changing the visibility of the affected members
from package visible to protected.
- Open issue: We have not yet looked into the tests of org.eclipse.ui  and
the doc plug-ins.

Please keep in mind that the new structure is an initial version. There are
open issues and the org.eclipse.ui team will decide about further
restructuring if necessary.

Kai & Dani

platform-ui-dev mailing list

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