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Re: [platform-ui-dev] Editors view feature or defect (?)

So, what is the difference betwenn the editors view history and the 
CTRL+F6? If there is not diff, why do we need it?
The other requestion is about refresh. Should it always be in synch with 
the opened editors? Why would the user ever need to refresh?


Jared Burns <jared-eclipse@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-ui-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
09/09/2002 03:37 PM
Please respond to platform-ui-dev

        To:     platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        Re: [platform-ui-dev] Editors view feature or defect (?)

The history in the editor list view is currently implemented as a circular 

linked list. I've been planning to revisit the history mechanism, 
to remove the circularity. 

If you open editor A, then editor B, clicking the <- or -> should just 
you between the two editors. If it doesn't, it's a bug. You can file it 
(append to Bug 10941) with a test case if you like. At the very least, it 
could help me not recreate the bug when I rewrite the history.

Important note: The version of the EditorList I uploaded today has a bug 
I introduced while refactoring (doh!). The bug will generate an NPE every 
time you open an editor if there are no editors open when you open the 
I have a fix for the problem in hand and I'll be uploading a new version 
the editor list once I finish testing.

- Jared

On Monday 09 September 2002 01:19 pm, you wrote:
>  Jared,
>  Do the <- and -> track only the viewed-editor history?  It seems that 
> tracks its own clicks as well.... Using a simple example,
>    1)  Start with a clean Eclipse with no Editors open
>    2)  Open two editors A and B.  Click <- and -> once each time leads 
> the editor I expect. 3)  Click <- several times.  Editor A is, as 
> still highlighted.  Now, click -> once:  I would expect that B be opened
> next -- however, I need to click as many number of the previous <- 
clicks +
> 1 in order to reach B.
>  I noticed it in previous as well as current (09.09) version of 
>  Is this a defect or feature? This simple example is easy to figure out. 

> However, when there are many editors open, this behavior leads to
> confusion....  If this is a feature, I suppose I have gotten used to the
> stack-based history view of Ctrl+F6 and simply need to adjust to
> EditorView's behavior when using it; if this is not a feature, I suppose 
> have found a bug(?).
>  Thanks,
>  Philip
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