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Re: [platform-ui-dev] Editors view feature or defect (?)

The history in the editor list view is currently implemented as a circular 
linked list. I've been planning to revisit the history mechanism, primarily 
to remove the circularity. 

If you open editor A, then editor B, clicking the <- or -> should just toggle 
you between the two editors. If it doesn't, it's a bug. You can file it 
(append to Bug 10941) with a test case if you like. At the very least, it 
could help me not recreate the bug when I rewrite the history.

Important note: The version of the EditorList I uploaded today has a bug that 
I introduced while refactoring (doh!). The bug will generate an NPE every 
time you open an editor if there are no editors open when you open the view. 
I have a fix for the problem in hand and I'll be uploading a new version of 
the editor list once I finish testing.

- Jared

On Monday 09 September 2002 01:19 pm, you wrote:
>  Jared,
>  Do the <- and -> track only the viewed-editor history?  It seems that it
> tracks its own clicks as well.... Using a simple example,
>    1)  Start with a clean Eclipse with no Editors open
>    2)  Open two editors A and B.  Click <- and -> once each time leads to
> the editor I expect. 3)  Click <- several times.  Editor A is, as expected,
> still highlighted.  Now, click -> once:  I would expect that B be opened
> next -- however, I need to click as many number of the previous <- clicks +
> 1 in order to reach B.
>  I noticed it in previous as well as current (09.09) version of EditorView.
>  Is this a defect or feature? This simple example is easy to figure out. 
> However, when there are many editors open, this behavior leads to
> confusion....  If this is a feature, I suppose I have gotten used to the
> stack-based history view of Ctrl+F6 and simply need to adjust to
> EditorView's behavior when using it; if this is not a feature, I suppose I
> have found a bug(?).
>  Thanks,
>  Philip
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