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Re: [platform-swt-dev] building native libraries for Linux/PPC

>>>>> "Arnaud" == Installe Arnaud <Installe_Arnaud@xxxxxxx> writes:

Arnaud> That's my problem: I can't find anywhere in the
Arnaud> source distribution.  I can't find the
Arnaud> plugins/org.eclipse.gtk.* either, for that matter.  The CVS
Arnaud> way didn't work for me either: if I do "ant -buildfile
Arnaud> build.xml" from within the org.eclipse.swt project I checked
Arnaud> out, no bin directory gets created.

When the top-level build.xml checks out org.eclipse.swt, I see an
`Eclipse SWT PI' subdirectory.  Underneath this is C source for the
Gtk port, in `Eclipse SWT PI/gtk/library/'.

Note that the ant build does not compile the C code :-(.
This means that you must compile it by hand.
You'll have to do this whereever there is native code.

We're working on patches to change this, since we want to be able to
have a way to build the entire tree, including the native code, from
scratch.  However, our patches aren't ready yet.  We'll be submitting
them once they are.


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