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  • [platform-releng-dev] One *very* last JDT/Core fix for RC4, Philippe P Mulet
  • [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20050624-0010 (Timestamp: 200506240010):Automated JUnit testing complete. Test failures/errors occurred., eclipse-releng
  • [platform-releng-dev] Build today at 1 pm ET toward 3.1RC4, Sonia Dimitrov
  • [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20050623-2000 (Timestamp: 200506232000):Automated JUnit testing complete. Test failures/errors occurred., eclipse-releng
  • [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20050624-0010 (Timestamp: 200506240010):Build is complete. Automated JUnit testing is starting., eclipse-releng
  • [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20050623-1610 (Timestamp: 200506231610):Automated JUnit testing complete. Test failures/errors occurred., eclipse-releng
  • [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20050624-0010 (Timestamp: 200506240010):updated map file listing, eclipse-releng
  • [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20050623-2000 (Timestamp: 200506232000):Build is complete. Automated JUnit testing is starting., eclipse-releng
  • [platform-releng-dev] updated for N06242005, Susan M Franklin
  • [platform-releng-dev] Partial performance results on I20050623-1200, Sonia Dimitrov
  • [platform-releng-dev] SWT submission for 20050624-0010, Billy Biggs
  • [platform-releng-dev] Platform UI contribution to the midnight build from, Nick Edgar
  • [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20050623-1200 (Timestamp: 200506231200):Automated JUnit testing complete. Test failures/errors occurred., eclipse-releng
  • [platform-releng-dev] Doc submission for 20050624-0010, Olivier Thomann
  • [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20050623-2000 (Timestamp: 200506232000):updated map file listing, eclipse-releng
  • [platform-releng-dev] install/update fixed for 8pm build, Konrad Kolosowski
  • [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20050623-1610 (Timestamp: 200506231610):Build is complete. Automated JUnit testing is starting., eclipse-releng
  • [platform-releng-dev] Doc change for 2000 build, Olivier Thomann
  • [platform-releng-dev] Performance baseline rerun scheduled for tomorrow ~noon eastern, Sonia Dimitrov
  • [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20050623-1610 (Timestamp: 200506231610):updated map file listing, eclipse-releng
  • [platform-releng-dev] chkpii errors in noon build, Kim Moir
  • [platform-releng-dev] Platform UI's submssion for I20050623-1600, Douglas Pollock
  • [platform-releng-dev] PDE contribution to 4pm build, Wassim Melhem
  • [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20050623-1200 (Timestamp: 200506231200):Build is complete. Automated JUnit testing is starting., eclipse-releng
  • [platform-releng-dev] One last JDT/Core fix for RC4, Philippe P Mulet
  • [platform-releng-dev] Build input for I20050623-1600, Dirk Baeumer
  • [platform-releng-dev] Platform UI's submission for I20050623-1200, Douglas Pollock
  • [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build N20050623-0010 (Timestamp: 200506230010):Automated JUnit testing complete. Test failures/errors occurred., eclipse-releng
  • [platform-releng-dev] DONE: Fixing Mixed Line Delimiters Tomorrow At 07:00 UTC <EOM>, Daniel Megert
  • [platform-releng-dev] The People Have Spoken, Wassim Melhem
  • [platform-releng-dev] PDE Fixes for RC4, Wassim Melhem
  • [platform-releng-dev] JDT/UI's contribution to N20050623-0010, Dirk Baeumer
  • [platform-releng-dev] Core contribution to RC4, DJ Houghton
  • [platform-releng-dev] Debug fixes for RC4, Darin Wright
  • [platform-releng-dev] More JDT/Core fixes for RC4, Philippe P Mulet
  • [platform-releng-dev] 3.1 RC4 Fixes From Platform Text and JDT Text For N20050623-0010, Daniel Megert
  • [platform-releng-dev] Platform UI's contributions to N20050622-0010, Douglas Pollock
  • [platform-releng-dev] Fixing Mixed Line Delimiters Tomorrow At 07:00 UTC, Daniel Megert
  • [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build N20050622-0010 (Timestamp: 200506220010):Automated JUnit testing complete. Test failures/errors occurred., eclipse-releng
  • [platform-releng-dev] 3.1 RC4 Fixes From Platform Text and JDT Text For N20050621-0010, Daniel Megert
  • [platform-releng-dev] JDT/Core fixes for RC4, Philippe P Mulet
  • [platform-releng-dev] UI Forms RC4 defect, Dejan Glozic
  • [platform-releng-dev] Debug Fix for RC4, Darin Wright
  • [platform-releng-dev] Install/Update RC4 fixes., Konrad Kolosowski
  • [platform-releng-dev] Performance results for 3.1RC3 available, Sonia Dimitrov
  • [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build N20050621-0010 (Timestamp: 200506210010):Automated JUnit testing complete. Test failures/errors occurred., eclipse-releng
  • [platform-releng-dev] Cairo library shipping with Eclipse 3.1 RC4, Veronika Irvine
  • [platform-releng-dev] about eclipse's continous integration, ray
  • [platform-releng-dev] Eclipse 3.1 RC3 now available, Kim Moir
  • [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20050617-1618 (Timestamp: 200506171618):Automated JUnit testing complete. Test failures/errors occurred., eclipse-releng
  • [platform-releng-dev] GO from SWT for I20050617-1618 as 3.1 RC3, Billy Biggs
  • [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20050617-1227 (Timestamp: 200506171227):Automated JUnit testing complete. Test failures/errors occurred., eclipse-releng
  • [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20050617-1618 (Timestamp: 200506171618):Build is complete. Automated JUnit testing is starting., eclipse-releng
  • [platform-releng-dev] GO for Update, Dejan Glozic
  • [platform-releng-dev] GO from Compare/MacOSX for I20050617-1227 as 3.1RC3, Andre Weinand
  • [platform-releng-dev] SWT changes for 4PM build, Veronika Irvine
  • [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20050617-1618 (Timestamp: 200506171618):updated map file listing, eclipse-releng
  • [platform-releng-dev] Update fixes for 4pm, Dejan Glozic
  • [platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build I20050617-1227 (Timestamp: 200506171227):Build is complete. Automated JUnit testing is starting., eclipse-releng
  • [platform-releng-dev] Intro, Update, UI Forms will need a rebuild, Dejan Glozic

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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