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[platform-releng-dev] Lots of " baseline and build artifacts have same version but different contents" warnings in Gerrit validation builds


we do have a lot of warnings in our Gerrit validation builds.

Most of them report: baseline and build artifacts have same version
but different contents

MavenProject: org.eclipse.core:org.eclipse.core.commands:3.9.100-SNAPSHOT
@ /jobs/genie.platform/eclipse.platform.ui-Gerrit/workspace/bundles/org.eclipse.core.commands/pom.xml:
baseline and build artifacts have same version but different contents


I would be nice to remove / reduce the Maven warnings. Anyone know
that this message means and how to solve that?

Best regards, Lars

Eclipse Platform UI and e4 project co-lead
CEO vogella GmbH

Haindaalwisch 17a, 22395 Hamburg
Amtsgericht Hamburg: HRB 127058
Geschäftsführer: Lars Vogel, Jennifer Nerlich de Vogel
USt-IdNr.: DE284122352
Fax (040) 5247 6322, Email: lars.vogel@xxxxxxxxxxx, Web:

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