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RE: [platform-releng-dev] 3.4 (RC5) release status

Ciao Philippe :)
I agree, the "Public Access" for Ganymede is set to happen on the 25th, but again,
the Platform (+0) was meant to release RC5 on the 13th, at least that's what that twiki page seems to tell me.
There is no real problem with waiting for the 25th but I'm wondering why you seem to have changed the release rhythm compared to before,
back with M7 we were able to start our migration on the +0 date, now we need to wait for the "public access" date...

I'm only raising this minor issue at all because I relied on you guys being ready on the 13th for me to pick up the platform and start migrating and now I have to re-schedule. Most probably the whole thing is my fault misreading that twiki page so please bear with me.. :)
Ciao, hh

-----Original Message-----
From: platform-releng-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:platform-releng-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Philippe P Mulet
Sent: 18 June 2008 12:46
To: Eclipse platform release engineering list.
Subject: Re: [platform-releng-dev] 3.4 (RC5) release status

As stated by, the final cut date for Ganymede is: June 25.

The +0 date you mentionned is the due date for the Eclipse SDK part of it, and the reason we are staged before the rest is to allow for critical issues to be detected, and allow time for us to recover/adjust and recontribute in case of badness discovered. 

The current bits are really close to the final material which you will get on June 25, as we are mostly addressing doc and legal issues; no more code change (well, almost given SWT had to fix a stop ship issue for win64 deliverable). 

"Haigermoser, Helmut" <Helmut.Haigermoser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: platform-releng-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx 

06/18/2008 10:46 AM 
Please respond to
"Eclipse platform release engineering list."        <platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"Eclipse platform release engineering list." <platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> 
[platform-releng-dev] 3.4 (RC5) release status


Ciao @ll :)
I know you guys are very proud of your on-time releases, it's really a
great release process you have set up! :)
Now, though, I'm a bit worried about the RC5 version since the twiki
page over here
clearly states the 13th to be the day for RC5 but there is no
notification for that one yet, and no mail about a delay either.
Can someone please enlighten me please, we as a company were planning to
migrate to ganymede starting right on the 13th or the Monday after but
are reluctant to migrate to fridays or mondays I-build without prove
that it will be the final 3.4...
Ciao, hh
platform-releng-dev mailing list

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