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RE: [platform-releng-dev] Please sign here

This policy of signing each and every build gave me pause, as well. Partially, as has been noted, it is not a good practice to use IT resources, if there is no need to.
So, I was wondering .... I'd originally thought that jar signing was only needed for jars made available on an update site. Is it intended to be more than that? Because as
far as I know, you are not making each build available on an update site, right? Similarly, are you producing .gz files with each build? The same sort of questions on good
IT usage would apply there, as well, so its just an example.

One litmus test I have for builds is what effect/impact it would have on developers doing "local builds". From, both ends .. is it easy to "turn off", so not needed, and, is it easy to do with a developer generated
certificate, just in case some testing with signing was desired, without going through the official route.

I'd suggest this discussion be moved to cross-projects, or europa-build list ... which ever you'd feel appropriate. I assume there's planned to be some announcement of "how to"? Maybe that's  a good time to introduce any issues, as well.

[And, apologies in advance if I've already missed the discussion and rationale for what you are doing .... this just caught my eye.]

John Arthorne <John_Arthorne@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-releng-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

11/06/2006 10:04 AM

Please respond to
"Eclipse platform release engineering list." <platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"Eclipse platform release engineering list." <platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
RE: [platform-releng-dev] Please sign here

I'm fairly sure the performance problems you were seeing last week were related to the WTP 1.5.2 release announcement.  Bandwidth was saturated after the announcement on Wednesday and continued for the rest of the week.  It feels like SSH access to the machine needs some tweaking to the QoS rules to make it usable in these situations.  Shelling into that machine was also quite painful after the Callisto fall update.  I think CPU power on isn't yet an issue - it's a very powerful machine and I've rarely seen it higher than 50% total CPU usage even during simultaneous Eclipse SDK signing and WTP builds.  However, it may become an issue once all 16 Europa projects start packing/signing.


Kim Moir/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA
Sent by: platform-releng-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

06/11/2006 09:23 AM

Please respond to
"Eclipse platform release engineering list." <platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"Eclipse platform release engineering list." <platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
RE: [platform-releng-dev] Please sign here

If there is a problem with the performance on, I advise you to follow up with the webmasters.  Signing wasn't turned on our builds until last Friday and when I was testing the signing process I used a smaller file to avoid the 45 minute wait.  If signing does impact the performance of, the contribution that the platform builds would have to the load average is small compared to the impact  when all 16 and counting Europa projects enable signing in their builds :-)


"Oberhuber, Martin" <Martin.Oberhuber@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-releng-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

11/06/2006 05:37 AM

Please respond to
"Eclipse platform release engineering list." <platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"Eclipse platform release engineering list." <platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
RE: [platform-releng-dev] Please sign here

Hi Kim -

I'm wondering whether it makes sense to sign the JARs for each and every build.

What about signing I- S- M- and R- builds only, but leave the N-builds unsigned?

As I understand, the 45-60 minutes that JAR signing takes for the Platform builds

is always done on Which means that is slower

during that time for other work that other projects [like ours] need to perform.

I have experienced quite a big drop in performance working on

during the last week - up to a limit where it was really no fun working on that

machine any more. I'm not sure whether that was due to doing a lot of signing

on that machien (will ask the webmasters), but I'd not be surprised.


Martin Oberhuber
Wind River Systems, Inc.
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member


From: platform-releng-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:platform-releng-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Kim Moir
Saturday, November 04, 2006 1:07 AM
[platform-releng-dev] Please sign here

As of tonight's build, all non-test plugins will be signed by the certificate as part of the build process.   With a few minor exceptions, teams will not have to do anything to their plugins to accommodate signing.  It will be handled transparently by the build process.  I'll open bugs against teams who may have specify options in their plugins to exclude certain jars from the signing process.

Signing our build allows meets one of the requirements for participation in Europa

As well, it will appease the many who have asked  "Hey, why don't you sign your jars?" and the infamous "Why am I always prompted in update manager about  installing unsigned  jars?"

For more information about JAR signing, please refer to these fine documents written by the core team.

The signing process takes 45-60 minutes to complete.  The time that the build process takes to generate the drops has increased accordingly.  

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