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[platform-releng-dev] [eclipse-build]Build N20060908-0010 (Timestamp: 200609080010):Compile errors in build

Build N20060908-0010 (Timestamp: 200609080010):  Compile errors in build.  See attached compile logs.
Title: Compiler log for org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests_3.2.0.N20060908-0010

Compiler log for org.eclipse.jdt.ui.tests_3.2.0.N20060908-0010 : javauitests.jar.bin.xml


/ui/org/eclipse/jdt/junit/tests/ : 3 errors :

1. ERROR in /ui/org/eclipse/jdt/junit/tests/
 (at line 38)
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.launcher.JUnitLaunchShortcut;
The import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.launcher.JUnitLaunchShortcut cannot be resolved
2. ERROR in /ui/org/eclipse/jdt/junit/tests/
 (at line 111)
JUnitLaunchShortcut shortcut= new JUnitLaunchShortcut();
JUnitLaunchShortcut cannot be resolved to a type
3. ERROR in /ui/org/eclipse/jdt/junit/tests/
 (at line 111)
JUnitLaunchShortcut shortcut= new JUnitLaunchShortcut();
JUnitLaunchShortcut cannot be resolved to a type

/ui/org/eclipse/jdt/junit/tests/ : 9 errors :

1. ERROR in /ui/org/eclipse/jdt/junit/tests/
 (at line 56)
IType[] result= TestSearchEngine.findTests(new Object[] {p});
The method findTests(IRunnableContext, IJavaElement, ITestKind) in the type TestSearchEngine is not applicable for the arguments (Object[])
2. ERROR in /ui/org/eclipse/jdt/junit/tests/
 (at line 70)
IType[] result= TestSearchEngine.findTests(new Object[] {p, q});
The method findTests(IRunnableContext, IJavaElement, ITestKind) in the type TestSearchEngine is not applicable for the arguments (Object[])
3. ERROR in /ui/org/eclipse/jdt/junit/tests/
 (at line 84)
IType[] result= TestSearchEngine.findTests(new Object[] {p});
The method findTests(IRunnableContext, IJavaElement, ITestKind) in the type TestSearchEngine is not applicable for the arguments (Object[])
4. ERROR in /ui/org/eclipse/jdt/junit/tests/
 (at line 98)
IType[] result= TestSearchEngine.findTests(new Object[] {fRoot});
The method findTests(IRunnableContext, IJavaElement, ITestKind) in the type TestSearchEngine is not applicable for the arguments (Object[])
5. ERROR in /ui/org/eclipse/jdt/junit/tests/
 (at line 118)
IType[] result= TestSearchEngine.findTests(new Object[] {fRoot, root2});
The method findTests(IRunnableContext, IJavaElement, ITestKind) in the type TestSearchEngine is not applicable for the arguments (Object[])
6. ERROR in /ui/org/eclipse/jdt/junit/tests/
 (at line 139)
IType[] result= TestSearchEngine.findTests(new Object[] {root2});
The method findTests(IRunnableContext, IJavaElement, ITestKind) in the type TestSearchEngine is not applicable for the arguments (Object[])
7. ERROR in /ui/org/eclipse/jdt/junit/tests/
 (at line 158)
IType[] result= TestSearchEngine.findTests(new Object[] {root2});
The method findTests(IRunnableContext, IJavaElement, ITestKind) in the type TestSearchEngine is not applicable for the arguments (Object[])
8. ERROR in /ui/org/eclipse/jdt/junit/tests/
 (at line 176)
IType[] result= TestSearchEngine.findTests(new Object[] {fProject});
The method findTests(IRunnableContext, IJavaElement, ITestKind) in the type TestSearchEngine is not applicable for the arguments (Object[])
9. ERROR in /ui/org/eclipse/jdt/junit/tests/
 (at line 190)
IType[] result= TestSearchEngine.findTests(new Object[] {p});
The method findTests(IRunnableContext, IJavaElement, ITestKind) in the type TestSearchEngine is not applicable for the arguments (Object[])

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