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Re: [platform-releng-dev] Versioning new plug-ins

The correct numbering for new plugins is 1.0.0.  The new plugins with the 3.2.0 version number are technically bugs, but it's too late to fix them now because it would have a ripple effect on other plugins specifying version dependency ranges. It turns out that the initial version number is not critical, as long as numbers increment correctly across releases.

For more reading:

Wassim Melhem/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
Sent by: platform-releng-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

18/04/2006 09:30 PM

Please respond to
"Eclipse platform release engineering list."

[platform-releng-dev] Versioning new plug-ins

During the 3.2 cycle, the SDK expanded by 22 plug-ins and a new versioning
scheme was introduced.

I was just observing the version numbers of new plug-ins and their versions
as they appear in 3.2RC1,
and it appears to me that there is an inconsistency.

Some new plug-ins specify 3.2.0.qualifier as a version, while others
specify 1.0.0.qualifier

To make this more concrete, take the JDT feature as an example.  It has 4
new plug-ins:

org.eclipse.jdt.core.manipulation v1.0.0.qualifier
org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core v3.2.0.qualifier
org.eclipse.jdt.apt.ui v3.2.0.qualifier
org.eclipse.jdt.junit4.runtime v1.0.0.qualifier

More examples in the SDK include org.eclipse.jface.databinding
(v1.0.0.qualifier) vs. org.eclipse.ui.navigator (v3.2.0.qualifier), etc.

Is this an inconsistency/oversight or is there a logical subgrouping of new
plug-ins (that I am not aware of) that divide them into a 1.0.0 camp and a
3.2.0 camp?

If it's the latter, I would appreciate someone shedding light on this
matter or pointing me to a document or a bug report.

Thank you,


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