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[platform-releng-dev] Versioning new plug-ins

During the 3.2 cycle, the SDK expanded by 22 plug-ins and a new versioning
scheme was introduced.

I was just observing the version numbers of new plug-ins and their versions
as they appear in 3.2RC1,
and it appears to me that there is an inconsistency.

Some new plug-ins specify 3.2.0.qualifier as a version, while others
specify 1.0.0.qualifier

To make this more concrete, take the JDT feature as an example.  It has 4
new plug-ins:

org.eclipse.jdt.core.manipulation v1.0.0.qualifier
org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core v3.2.0.qualifier
org.eclipse.jdt.apt.ui v3.2.0.qualifier
org.eclipse.jdt.junit4.runtime v1.0.0.qualifier

More examples in the SDK include org.eclipse.jface.databinding
(v1.0.0.qualifier) vs. org.eclipse.ui.navigator (v3.2.0.qualifier), etc.

Is this an inconsistency/oversight or is there a logical subgrouping of new
plug-ins (that I am not aware of) that divide them into a 1.0.0 camp and a
3.2.0 camp?

If it's the latter, I would appreciate someone shedding light on this
matter or pointing me to a document or a bug report.

Thank you,


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