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Fw: [platform-releng-dev] Web page for Eclipse Web Tools Platform PMC Downloads


Dominique is right. I'd completely missed those links.

"Looking for Tools PMC downloads page then look here. Looking for the 
Technology PMC downloads page then look here."

With a growing number of top-level projects at Eclipse, the Eclipse 
download pages should be rethought. I'm not sure what long-term plans are 
there, but in the meantime I suggest rewriting the paragraph along these 
lines (the project names would be the links):

"Download pages for other Eclipse top-level projects: Eclipse Tools; 
Eclipse Technology; Eclipse Web Tools Platform.

Note that the use of "PMC" in this context is incorrect ("PMC" is the 
Project Management Committee rather than the project itself).


----- Forwarded by Jim des Rivieres/Ottawa/IBM on 10/20/2004 09:43 AM 

Dominique de Vito <dominique.devito@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
10/20/2004 09:43 AM

Jim des Rivieres/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA
Bjorn Freeman-Benson <bjorn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Re: [platform-releng-dev] Web page for Eclipse Web Tools Platform PMC 

Jim des Rivieres wrote:

>>Can you please reference that page into the page
>><> ?
>Dominique,  That page is currently for Eclipse Platform downloads only, 
>it does not really make sense to include a link there to the WTP download 

>page. I suggest including the link somewhere prominent under 
But there are links to the 'Tools PMC downloads' page and the 
'Technology PMC downloads' page inside this page 
<>. I assume one can add 
a link to the 'WTP PMC Downloads' page too.

And as more and more top-level Eclipse projects are created, I think 
pages dedicated to download might be refactored (mainly 
<>) to emphasize better other 
download possibilities not related to eclipse project itself.

My 2 cents.


>Web Master <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxx> 
>Sent by: platform-releng-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
>10/19/2004 03:10 PM
>Please respond to
>[platform-releng-dev] Web page for Eclipse Web Tools Platform PMC 
>Can anyone point me int he right direction for resolving this query?
>>----- Message from Dominique de Vito <dominique.devito@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> on 

>>Thu, 14 Oct 2004 16:37:14 +0200 -----
>>               Eclipse Webmaster <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>               Bjorn Freeman-Benson <bjorn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Arthur Ryman 
>><ryman@xxxxxxxxxx>, Naci Dai <naci.dai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>               web page for Eclipse Web Tools Platform PMC Downloads
>>I have defined a web page for Eclipse Web Tools Platform Downloads :
>>Can you please reference that page into the page
>><> ?
>>// Eclipse WTP
>Questions? Consult the webmaster FAQ
>platform-releng-dev mailing list

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