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Re: [platform-releng-dev] again on session tests

Ant most definitely does NOT support looping of any kind.  It barely (and I mean barely) supports conditional control flow.  Ant is cool in many ways but a major pain to use for anything approaching complex.  The only reason we get away with it in PDE build etc is because we autogen the build.xml files and effectively unroll the loops and conditionals that one would normally write.


Christof Marti <christof_marti@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-releng-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

09/10/2004 03:21 AM

Please respond to

Re: [platform-releng-dev] again on session tests

- the PDE/JUnit integration could be obtained by using RepeatedTest from JUnit when run from a launch config
- you want to measure exactly the same thing on each run _for the same scenario_, otherwise its another scenario (my suggestion was for a single scenario, didn't make this explicit enough, I think)
- the code snippet for repeating the same scenario is (from PerformanceMeter's Javadoc):
public void testOpenEditor() {
  Performance perf= Performance.getDefault();
  PerformanceMeter performanceMeter= perf.createPerformanceMeter(perf.getDefaultScenarioId(this));
  try {
     for (int i= 0; i < 10; i++) {
  } finally {

I agree that ideally the same code would work for session tests. To start a second instance just looks a bit heavyweight to me. Ant must support loops, doesn't it?
Friday, September 10, 2004 12:35 AM
To: platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
From: Jeff McAffer <Jeff_McAffer@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [platform-releng-dev] again on session tests

Some points:

- scripting with Ant is really not much fun.  It is both complex (see John's message) and brittle (have to modify test.xml files everytime you add a test etc)

- managing this through such scripts means that user cannot run the tests easily from their workspace using the JUnit UI.

- the proposed "a way to" mechanisms are very specific to this situation.  What if I want to do other things differnetly on the last run?  or things differently on the first run as well?

The point here is that Rafael's approach has session tests be as much like normal tests as possible.  That allows users to code them naturally and take advantage of all the other mechanisms available.  WRT the example below, assuming the tests were NOT session tests, what is the code pattern for running multiple iterations of some test and asserting only on the aggregate result?  I think a design goal here should be to make that same pattern work for session tests.


p.s., I called them "patterns" just for Erich...

Christof Marti/Zurich/IBM@IBMCH

09/09/2004 01:05 PM

Rafael Chaves/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA@IBMDE
Erich Gamma, Andre Weinand, Jeff McAffer/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA, Nick Edgar/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA@IBMDE
Re: [platform-releng-dev] again on session tests

For repeated measurements we suggest a solution where the test is run from test.xml n times. Each run would tag its single measurement with some tag 'foo' and commit it to the database. Only the last run's assertPerformance() would take all measurements with that tag 'foo' and compare them against reference measurements.

What is need from the performance plug-in is:

- a way to tag runs with 'foo' from test.xml in all n runs

- a way to disable assertPerformance() from test.xml in the first n-1 runs

- a way to compare measurements taged with 'foo' against a reference in the n-th run (like: assertPerformance(tag), where the tag would be 'foo' in this example)

This approach would avoid the second instance of Eclipse and the additional communication support from the second instance back to the first.


Thursday, September 09, 2004 5:48 PM

To: Christof Marti/Zurich/IBM@IBMCH

From: Rafael Chaves/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA@IBMDE

Subject: Re: [platform-releng-dev] again on session tests

I am forwarding this directly to you because it seems we (Ottawa) are not having our Notes messages being sent to non-Notes destinations (as the platform-releng list).


September 9, 2004 11:14 AM

To: platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx

From: Rafael Chaves/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA

Subject: Re: [platform-releng-dev] again on session tests

We have considered doing it the way you suggested and the reasons we didn't go for it were:

a) flexibility/easy-of-use: developers would have to tweak their ant scripts to create a separate target for every performance test. Integration with PDE/Junit would not work (for most cases).

b) doing the measuring several times before commiting/asserting would not be possible.


Christof Marti <christof_marti@xxxxxxxxxx>

Christof Marti <christof_marti@xxxxxxxxxx>

Sent by: platform-releng-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

09/09/2004 06:21 AM

Please respond to






Re: [platform-releng-dev] again on session tests

What is the reason for using a second instance of eclipse? Is the overhead

from the automated testing framework too big when registering a session

test directly in the test.xml?


Wednesday, September 08, 2004 10:55 PM

To: platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx


From: Nick Edgar <Nick_Edgar@xxxxxxxxxx>

Subject: Re: [platform-releng-dev] again on session tests

Note that the Workbench has a very simple handshaking protocol for running

the tests once the workbench is ready.  There is currently no support for

inter-process communication though.

See ITestHarness and TestableObject.  The design goals behind this (small)

API were to provide maximum decoupling between the test harness, the

workbench, and the RCP app.  For example, the RCP app doesn't need to be

aware of the test harness at all, and the workbench does not need to know

about the PDE test runner.  Ideally the PDE test runner wouldn't have to

know about the workbench either, but it currently needs to obtain the

TestableObject from PlatformUI, so there's a dependency there.

Although these types currently exist at workbench level, they have no

dependencies on other workbench types.  This was done in the hopes that

they could eventually be generalized and pushed down.   Maybe now is the


The control flow is:

- eclipse runs the test harness app (e.g. the PDE test runner), telling it

which main app to run (e.g. the IDE)

- the test harness sets itself as the ITestHarness implementation on the

workbench's TestableObject:


- the test harness runs the main app (an RCP app, of course)

- the RCP app creates and runs the workbench as usual


- the workbench initializes itself, restores any previously saved state,


- just before the workbench is about to run the event loop, it notifies

the test harness that it can run the tests (ITestHarness.runTests())

 - this is actually done in a forked thread

 - the test harness tells the TestableObject that it is about to start

 testing (TestableObject.testingStarting())

 - this allows the workbench to put itself into test mode, e.g. make sure

 error dialogs don't pop up and hang the tests

 - the test harness tells the TestableObject to run the tests


 - currently, due to difficulty in breaking up the flow of control of

 JUnit tests organized in a suite, all the tests are run in the same


 - the workbench's TestableObject runs the tests in an asyncExec, since

 the UI tests expect to be run in the UI thread

 - since runTests() was called from a forked thread, the workbench fell

 through to processing UI events, so it will process the asyncExec when

 there are no more OS events

 - the test harness tells the TestableObject that it is done testing


 - the workbench reverts back to non-test mode

Does this in any way map onto the kind of inter-process communication

you're doing now?



Rafael Chaves/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA

Sent by: platform-releng-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

09/08/2004 11:33 AM

Please respond to






[platform-releng-dev] again on session tests

Platform/Core has been doing some work on running JUnit tests that end up

spawning a second instance of Eclipse, or "session tests". There is a lot

of scenarios that can only be tested with session tests, as startup

performance tests.

We have been doing some work in that area, and were curious if others had

the same need, and what approach was (or is planned to be) used to support


Here is the approach we are taking:

- session tests use a special SessionTestSuite class to build their test


- session tests are actually just proxies for the actual tests that know

which plug-in/class/method implements the test case

- when a session test is run, it launches a second instance of Eclipse to

run a application that is/has a test runner. This test runner will run


single test case and report back the test result to the original instance

using a socket (right now we use org.eclipse.pde.junit.runtime test

applications and protocol for doing that, but it causes an undesirable

dependency on a non-platform plug-in). Once the test case has finished,

this second Eclipse instance terminates

- back to the original instance, we check whether the test failed/passed.

If it failed, we fake a corresponding error/failure to occur at the proxy

test, so it is reported as a regular test error/failure to the JUnit


This way, session tests don't need any special support other than using


SessionTestSuite class when building their test suites. Also, the current

support for running automated tests as part of the RelEng test framework


by using the PDE/JDT support in the SDK still works.

Any feedback is welcome.



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