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[platform-releng-dev] Guidelines for making Eclipse screen shots


Guidelines for making screen shots for Eclipse help books.

Display setup for standard Eclipse 3.0 screen shots:

- OS: Windows XP only
- Display Properties  > Settings > Screen Resolution: 1024 by 768 pixels; 
Color Quality: Highest (32 bit)
- Display Properties > Themes > Theme: Windows XP
- Display Properties > Appearance > Windows and Buttons: Windows XP Style; 

Color Scheme:  Default (blue); Font Size: Normal

Photoshop 7 setup (Photoshop 6 and Photoshop CS are similar):

- Edit > Color Settings... > Load srgb-eclipse.csf (attached).

(1) To make a screen shot, press Alt+Print Screen key to scrape current 
to clipboard.

(2) In Photoshop, press Ctrl+N (File > New) to create a new image 
(Width, Height, and Resolution are filled in automatically.)
Mode: RGB Color
Contents: Transparent

(3) Press Ctrl+V (Edit > Paste)

(4) File > Save for Web...
Settings: GIF No Dither 128
For image file names, be especially careful of mixed upper case (Windows 
preserves but otherwise ignores case for file name; however, this is not 
for the Unix systems that run infocenters that serve up help books). If 
have a choice, use only lowercase letters, digits, and hyphen "-".  Avoid 
upper or mixed case, spaces, underscores "_", and other characters.  E.g., 

When re-doing a screen shot, be sure to use exactly the same file name and 

extension, and be sure to adjust the height and width parameters in the 
to match (or better still, remove height and width altogether).

For those who do not have handy access to Photoshop but do have access to 
Lotus Notes, paste the clipboard into a Lotus Notes message and mail it to 

someone who does and ask them to convert it for you. Since raw screen 
are huge, send each shot in a separate mail message.

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