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[platform-releng-dev] eol characters added to end of .map files in org.eclipse.releng

Hello all,

some of you may have noticed that I have added an end of line character to the end of all the .map files in the org.eclipse.releng project.  The reason for doing this is that the content of the .map files are all concatenated into a single "directory.txt" file which is consumed by the PDE Build mechanism to generate scripts which fetch the projects used in the build from cvs.  However, it appeasrs that with changes in the version of Ant used in the build (1.6.1), the concatenation does not add eol characters between files.  I discovered this yesterday due to failing test builds.

I have entered bug #58284 ( to modify how the Ant <concat> task is called in the build.xml script in the plug-in.  Until this is fixed in our build mechanism, please keep an eol character at the end of the map files.



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