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Re: [platform-dev] Current status of Eclipse for arm/aarch64

Hi again,

I didn't mean to offend you about pushing upstream, sorry for this...

I successfully booted Fedora 30 on my ODroid N2 and installed eclipse without any issue at all.
I even managed to push it back to an Ubuntu Bionic by resolving the symlinks pointing at /usr/lib/java/.. (populated by rpms in dependency) and that worked like a charm as well, 

Thanks at lot !

If I can help in any way... let me know,

Best regards,

Le ven. 13 sept. 2019 à 13:33, Aleksandar Kurtakov <akurtako@xxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 12:42 PM Doloops <doloops@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Aleksandar,

Thanks for the quick response !
I tried to merge the aarch64-specific files from f30 rpms into's linux x86_64 build with no success, resulting in a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.swt.SWTError.
Not very familiar with the way dependencies are resolved on a OSGi setup

I don't have a fedora install yet, so I'm getting one now and will play with it and see Eclipse work from their build.

Still, I guess I would be able to build from Fedora's (adapted ?) sources. Shoudn't they push upstream ?

Fedora build is a bit more complicated as it rebuilds everything from source. But doing 'fedpkg build' in respective git checkout ( should build everything just fine for fedora.  This work is done by my team and we have contributed everything back to Only missing part is including aarch64 bundles being included in various features and aarch64 product so there is aarch64 zip produced by default by the build system.
Btw, you may also try mvn clean verify -Dnatives=gtk.linux.aarch64 in swt.binaries repo. It may work although it has been only tested to work proper on RHEL/Fedora/CentOS.
What is missing ?

what's missing is aarch64 build machine available at foundation (or someone else dedicating a machine accessible through ssh) for builds of the native parts. Due to the way(limitations) eclipse sdk is build there is no way to push the final bits so they can be built by default.

Thanks in advance,

Le ven. 13 sept. 2019 à 09:33, Aleksandar Kurtakov <akurtako@xxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 10:28 AM Doloops <doloops@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi everyone,

Thank you all for this awesome piece of software !
Been using Eclipse for more than 10 years now... And I guess the time to participate has begun.

I'd like to use Eclipse on an aarch64 box, but it seems the support of this platform is not enabled in the build (and lacking some files), but I wish to contribute to it.

May I have some guidance on how to start, and especially what can be reused from previous (2013) works on this matter?

My guess would be starting by eclipse.platform.swt.binaries/bundles/org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.aarch64, still digging...

Hi, there are aarch64 builds available in Fedora. So please first try them - it is available in Fedora repository directly (aka 'dnf install eclipse') in running Fedora installation on aarch64 system. This is what this sources are used for. And let us know of any issues you find - there aren't many people interested in it so far.
Regarding aarch64 builds - there aren't such as there is a need for dedicated aarch64 provided to eclipse foundation which can be used for building the native parts. So far we don't have such and thus no builds.

Hope that helpse.

Thanks in advance,
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Alexander Kurtakov
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Alexander Kurtakov
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