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[platform-dev] Need to add a fixed bottom pane


How can I add a bottom panel (Composite) to the Eclipse IDE workbench? I need to implement something similar to the perspective switcher but with bigger icons and custom layout, and custom widgets. I was trying to use the IDE status toolbar bit it really does not look well for my purpose. I need big buttons and custom layout.

I tried by adding a view at the bottom of the IDE but I don't have full control of the view height and honestly, it was not possible to remove the "tab" from the view and make it fixed. It only worked to me if the perspective is marked as fixed too.

As I know, since Eclipse 4 the UI renderer is independent from the UI model, and there are projects like Efxclipse that uses JavaFX as renderer, so I don't know if I can extends default SWT renderer and add a bottom pane.

Thanks in advance,


P.S. I attach an image here of what I need.

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