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Re: [platform-dev] Article highlighting strengths of Eclipse IDE over IJ

On Wednesday, November 15, 2017, Peter Kriens <peter.kriens@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Now, I would have no problem paying for Eclipse $200-$500 a year if this translated in aggressively competing with Intellij. After all, I spent most of my working life behind an Eclipse screen. You only need 15000 of those users out of 10 million (?) to double the Eclipse budget. Now I do not feel like donating that kind of money to the foundation without knowing that it is really spent on coding. Because it is open source I can get away with this selfish behavior.

I can understand that and I agree that donating to the Foundation isn't a good way to sponsor the Eclipse IDE, nor any specific product un general.
That said you could directly get in touch with some Eclipse IDE developers to sponsor their work and allow them to spend a bigger part of their work time to improve the IDE. There are 2 interesting bugs dedicated to encourage such peer-to-peer funding:
Please comment on such bugs whether you think those are worthwile ideas or not. Community support is the missing prerequisite to make those come true.
Then, later, if such services are widely enough used in the Community, the Foundation could consider creating similar services which are more profitable for everyone.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse IDE developer, at Red Hat Developers community
Elected Committer Representative at the Eclipse Foundation board of directors

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