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RE: [platform-dev] OT: Code organization


I can tell you we have the exact same situation here.  We have one
project for core development and then we have separate projects for each
client.  The core project has its own build.xml, and each client
specific project has its own build.xml.  We have an env variable which
gives our core "home" directory, and then the client build.xml can
reference the class files using this env variable as well as any
relevant libraries.  This works just fine.  Note, we build core
separately from client (core should look to the client like any other
third party class files/library, client should not kick off a build of

In eclipse, we have a core project, and then multiple client projects
which depend on the core project.  This works fine as well.  



-----Original Message-----
From: platform-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:platform-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of klute
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 9:20 AM
To: platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [platform-dev] OT: Code organization

Hi All,

i hope this is not too much of an off-topic. i have a
situation i wanted to run by you to get your opinions.

i started working on a software project that can be
divided into two parts (core components and
client-specific functionality). The "client" part does
not refer to client-side code but to the functionality
written for my company's clients. 

both portions are evolving every day. the problem is
currently the two are bundled within the same Eclipse
project. the only thing that separates them is the
fact that each client has a set of packages devoted to
this client. for example, we would have something


this just does not look right to me. my initial
thought would be that each client's app should be in a
separate Eclipse project referencing the core project.
then the client's build.xml will first build core.jar
or something like that and use that to compile and
deploy the client's project. what do you guys and gals
think about this? is there a better way of organizing
such code structure?

thanks a lot!


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