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June 19, 2015
06:09 Re: [platform-dev] Why must root projects in workspace have project name = folder name ? Max Rydahl Andersen
05:13 Re: [platform-dev] Why must root projects in workspace have project name = folder name ? Daniel Megert
June 18, 2015
16:25 Re: [platform-dev] Joining on a job belonging to the same group is not supported Mickael Istria
15:54 [platform-dev] Why must root projects in workspace have project name = folder name ? Max Rydahl Andersen
08:25 Re: [platform-dev] Joining on a job belonging to the same group is not supported John Arthorne
05:44 Re: [platform-dev] Joining on a job belonging to the same group is not supported Mickael Istria
June 16, 2015
06:30 [platform-dev] Joining on a job belonging to the same group is not supported Mickael Istria
04:59 Re: [platform-dev] Is it good to use Java 8 parallel streams in RCP apps? Max Rydahl Andersen
04:51 Re: [platform-dev] Is it good to use Java 8 parallel streams in RCP apps? Mickael Istria
04:01 Re: [platform-dev] Is it good to use Java 8 parallel streams in RCP apps? Max Rydahl Andersen
June 15, 2015
10:53 [platform-dev] Is it good to use Java 8 parallel streams in RCP apps? Mickael Istria
April 28, 2015
09:31 [platform-dev] Welcome Sarika Sinha as a new eclipse.platform Committer portal on behalf of Michael Rennie
April 25, 2015
02:19 [platform-dev] Committer vote for Sarika Sinha has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of portal-noreply
00:01 [platform-dev] Committer vote for Sarika Sinha has concluded successfully portal on behalf of
April 21, 2015
14:49 Re: [platform-dev] How to best use JobGroups in a recursive task? John Arthorne
April 20, 2015
11:16 [platform-dev] How to best use JobGroups in a recursive task? Mickael Istria
April 17, 2015
14:32 [platform-dev] +1 for Sarika Sinha on eclipse.platform by Paul Webster portal on behalf of
11:33 [platform-dev] +1 for Sarika Sinha on eclipse.platform by DJ Houghton portal on behalf of
10:58 [platform-dev] +1 for Sarika Sinha on eclipse.platform by Dani Megert portal on behalf of
10:54 [platform-dev] Vote for Committer status for Sarika Sinha was started by Michael Rennie portal on behalf of
April 06, 2015
05:34 [platform-dev] A survey about bug report writting‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏ 涛 张
January 22, 2015
08:41 [platform-dev] Request for Participation (Reminder) Zéphyrin Soh
December 29, 2014
14:47 [platform-dev] Request for Participation Zéphyrin Soh
September 22, 2014
01:20 [platform-dev] Splitting SonarQube analysis? Mickael Istria
July 15, 2014
13:39 [platform-dev] Re(1): a weight is lifted off my shoulders Florence Lu
July 04, 2014
03:16 [platform-dev] Errors with ${eclipse.javadoc} while build org.eclipse.jdt.doc.isv Pavel Samolisov
June 26, 2014
10:40 Re: [platform-dev] What to do with old issues? Mike Wilson
10:23 Re: [platform-dev] What to do with old issues? John Arthorne
10:15 [platform-dev] What to do with old issues? Mickael Istria
May 09, 2014
15:07 [platform-dev] Project Deletion takes long time Vishal Gupta
November 28, 2013
02:11 [platform-dev] JDT-Core tests working with Tycho/Hudson votes on Gerrit according to test results Mickael Istria
September 13, 2013
12:17 [platform-dev] HIPP for Platform + Hudson votes on Gerrit Mickael Istria
September 04, 2013
13:06 Re: [platform-dev] [platform-releng-dev] [jdt-dev] Fwd: Why some inner jars? Mickael Istria
August 29, 2013
05:47 Re: [platform-dev] [jdt-dev] Fwd: Why some inner jars? Mickael Istria
August 28, 2013
11:50 Re: [platform-dev] I-build re-build request ... to begin at 10 AM Eastern David M Williams
09:52 Re: [platform-dev] I-build re-build request ... to begin at 10 AM Eastern Thomas Watson
09:42 [platform-dev] I-build re-build request ... to begin at 10 AM Eastern David M Williams
August 22, 2013
12:35 [platform-dev] Why some inner jars? Mickael Istria
August 20, 2013
17:59 Re: [platform-dev] Offline shared taget platform Arnaud Brunet
07:07 Re: [platform-dev] Offline shared taget platform Paul Webster
August 19, 2013
20:15 [platform-dev] Offline shared taget platform Arnaud Brunet
July 26, 2013
04:56 [platform-dev] Findbugs analysis with Sonar Mickael Istria
July 22, 2013
03:58 Re: [platform-dev] Hooking custom action to a post-build Daniel Megert
July 18, 2013
15:58 Re: [platform-dev] Hooking custom action to a post-build Camilo Bernal
15:55 [platform-dev] Hooking custom action to a post-build Camilo Bernal
July 11, 2013
08:31 [platform-dev] Progress with Platform Build and Sonar Mickael Istria
July 10, 2013
07:24 Re: [platform-dev] NULL character in MatchingRegionTest confusing JDT, Postgres, cgit... Mickael Istria
06:05 Re: [platform-dev] NULL character in MatchingRegionTest confusing JDT, Postgres, cgit... Daniel Megert
05:51 Re: [platform-dev] NULL character in MatchingRegionTest confusing JDT, Postgres, cgit... Mickael Istria
05:45 Re: [platform-dev] NULL character in MatchingRegionTest confusing JDT, Postgres, cgit... Daniel Megert
05:19 [platform-dev] NULL character in MatchingRegionTest confusing JDT, Postgres, cgit... Mickael Istria
June 28, 2013
10:35 Re: [platform-dev] Should closed project behave like folders? Eric Moffatt
June 27, 2013
23:10 Re: [platform-dev] Should closed project behave like folders? John Arthorne
19:29 Re: [platform-dev] Should closed project behave like folders? Max Rydahl Andersen
13:17 Re: [platform-dev] Should closed project behave like folders? Mickael Istria
12:08 Re: [platform-dev] Should closed project behave like folders? Mickael Istria
11:57 Re: [platform-dev] Should closed project behave like folders? Brian de Alwis
11:43 Re: [platform-dev] Should closed project behave like folders? Mickael Istria
11:37 Re: [platform-dev] Should closed project behave like folders? Brian de Alwis
10:32 [platform-dev] Should closed project behave like folders? Mickael Istria
May 28, 2013
03:41 [platform-dev] Kepler breaks m2e on IBM JVM Fred Bricon
April 18, 2013
23:14 [platform-dev] Build Failed ... will try again at 23:30 (Eastern) David M Williams
February 24, 2013
07:29 [platform-dev] Join 'Create filterable Console View' Project for GSOC 2013 Malintha Adikari
February 20, 2013
21:36 Re: [platform-dev] Eclipse 3.8.1 Release Build: 3.8.1 Platform SDK Igor Zapletnev
09:57 Re: [platform-dev] Eclipse 3.8.1 Release Build: 3.8.1 Platform SDK Oberhuber, Martin
09:26 Re: [platform-dev] Eclipse 3.8.1 Release Build: 3.8.1 Platform SDK John Arthorne
02:54 [platform-dev] Eclipse 3.8.1 Release Build: 3.8.1 Platform SDK Igor Zapletnev
January 24, 2013
13:42 Re: [platform-dev] Windows XP and OS X 10.7 in Kepler ? John Arthorne
12:38 [platform-dev] Windows XP and OS X 10.7 in Kepler ? Max Rydahl Andersen
December 11, 2012
11:18 [platform-dev] Commit rights for Paul Webster have been expired portal on behalf of emo
11:18 [platform-dev] Commit rights for Thomas Watson have been expired portal on behalf of emo
11:18 [platform-dev] Commit rights for Remy Suen have been expired portal on behalf of emo
11:17 [platform-dev] Commit rights for Pascal Rapicault have been expired portal on behalf of emo
11:17 [platform-dev] Commit rights for Susan McCourt have been expired portal on behalf of emo
11:17 [platform-dev] Commit rights for DJ Houghton have been expired portal on behalf of emo
11:17 [platform-dev] Commit rights for Szymon Brandys have been expired portal on behalf of emo
11:17 [platform-dev] Commit rights for Boris Bokowski have been expired portal on behalf of emo
11:16 [platform-dev] Commit rights for James Blackburn have been expired portal on behalf of emo
11:16 [platform-dev] Commit rights for Oleg Besedin have been expired portal on behalf of emo
11:16 [platform-dev] Commit rights for John Arthorne have been expired portal on behalf of emo
October 11, 2012
12:22 [platform-dev] Top 10 (slowest) Unit Test Suites ... plus proposal to run only subset of tests for Nightly (Head) builds David M Williams
August 19, 2012
22:39 Re: [platform-dev] Relationship between code and architecture Simone Amorim
August 15, 2012
15:59 Re: [platform-dev] Relationship between code and architecture John Arthorne
15:35 [platform-dev] Relationship between code and architecture Simone Amorim
August 01, 2012
13:48 [platform-dev] Eclipse Platform required bundles in Orbit DJ Houghton
July 30, 2012
22:27 Re: [platform-dev] J2SE 1.4 Execution Environment Joseph D Carroll Jr
16:29 Re: [platform-dev] J2SE 1.4 Execution Environment John Arthorne
15:46 Re: [platform-dev] J2SE 1.4 Execution Environment Joseph D Carroll Jr
12:01 Re: [platform-dev] J2SE 1.4 Execution Environment John Arthorne
11:43 [platform-dev] J2SE 1.4 Execution Environment Joseph D Carroll Jr
July 23, 2012
14:07 Re: [platform-dev] What are the most significantly parts of Eclipse Architecture John Arthorne
July 13, 2012
17:12 [platform-dev] What are the most significantly parts of Eclipse Architecture Simone Amorim
June 14, 2012
10:35 [platform-dev] (no subject) Florence Lu
June 13, 2012
17:22 [platform-dev] (no subject) Florence Lu
May 15, 2012
01:33 Re: [platform-dev] Is there really *zero* compatibility issues between Indigo and Juno ? Max Rydahl Andersen
April 19, 2012
06:08 Re: [platform-dev] Reg: org.eclipse.ui.activities Paul Webster
02:09 [platform-dev] Reg: org.eclipse.ui.activities Sreeram R
April 17, 2012
22:01 Re: [platform-dev] Build Eclipse in Eclipse‏ David M Williams
April 16, 2012
16:31 Re: [platform-dev] Is there really *zero* compatibility issues between Indigo and Juno ? John Arthorne
08:43 [platform-dev] Is there really *zero* compatibility issues between Indigo and Juno ? Max Rydahl Andersen

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