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Re: [platform-core-dev] New platform NLS support

First, I should say that the tooling support is in the works and is planned for the 3.1 release.

Having said that, letting the compiler find undefined message keys can be viewed a benefit.  I have often seen undefined messages pop up in plug-ins, presumably because the developer figured they would define the message later, but forgot.  

The extra work with the new format is that a field representing the message key must be defined.  This can be added with a couple of key strokes using the nifty JDT "Quick Fix" support (Ctrl+1):

Bob Foster <bob@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-core-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

22/02/2005 03:38 PM

Please respond to

Re: [platform-core-dev] New platform NLS support

The primary issue seems to be one of developer convenience. The current
work mode (for me and I suspect many others) is that a developer can
first write a getString() call that will, if the key is not found,
simply return the key. This allows the code to be run immediately. A
follow-up pass with a tool converts the string argument to a key and
puts the key and argument in the resource bundle.

I read the part about "opportunity for tooling." The difference is, it
seems the tooling now must act immediately, or the file will not compile.

Could you please explain the steps one has to go through with the new
feature, without further tooling, when one, say, needs to format an
exception message?

Bob Foster

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