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RE: [platform-core-dev] Pathology, take two

The build path is somewhat platform independant, and is always interpreted
according to the client platform. You could imagine Windows and Linux
teammates, sharing the same .classpath file (with relative path information
which would be valid in both cases).

             <G.Wagenknecht@in                                          To 
   >               <platform-core-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>     
             Sent by:                                                   cc 
             platform-core-dev         <eclipse-external@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
             -admin@xxxxxxxxxx         m>                                  
             g                                                     Subject 
                                       RE: [platform-core-dev] Pathology,  
                                       take two                            
             10/11/2004 08:36                                              
             Please respond to                                             


> Does this mean that Path.toOSString() will
> be used everywhere that a filename is displayed?
> ie package explorer, when viewing a file properties etc?

The OS-string (#toOSString) should be used everywhere. We also use it
everywhere where paths are exposed in the UI. There are still some
places in Eclipse where #toString is used but they can/should be changed
to #toOSString probably (see 'Java Build Path' project property page).

Cu, Gunnar
platform-core-dev mailing list

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