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  • Re: [photran] MacBook + Photran = CPU 100%, (continued)
  • [photran] Synchronizing Photran VPG, Fernanda Foertter
  • [photran] Runing IDB an Photran, Fernando Stump
  • [photran] Modules, Fernanda Foertter
  • [photran] Errors are not appearing in the text editor, David Bilyeu
  • [photran] Verbose?, João Tales Oliveira
  • [photran] small photran + g95 problem, Barron Bichon
  • Re: [photran] please. How can I run phortran on eclipse, rgm melo
  • [photran] Re: Where to focus development efforts, Adrian Brown
  • [photran] please. How can I run phortran on eclipse Europa/Windows Xp, rgm melo
  • [photran] problems with module, M . R . Hadian
  • [photran] installing photran plugins to eclipse on Debian, M . R . Hadian
  • [photran] solution for "Error launching external scanner info generator (gcc -E -P -v -dD ...", Michel DEVEL
  • [photran] Getting started help., Ingmar Andersson
  • [photran] Where to focus development efforts, Jeffrey Overbey
  • [photran] Re: Photran and Subclipse, Walter Zimmer
  • [photran] Photran and Subclipse, Stefan Kasselmann
  • [photran] managed make, Juergen Schumacher
  • [photran] * and C not being recognized as comments, Dan Tullis
  • [photran] problem with photran 4(beta3) on amd64, M . R . Hadian
  • [photran] Configuring debugger to catch run-time errors with Photran, photran . 20 . trevva
  • [photran] How can I get Fortran output from java, Bing Dong
  • [photran] managed build or a shared library, Juergen Schumacher
  • [photran] how do I compile fortran codes using g77, Murat BEYHAN
  • [photran] Problem in using C/C++ perspective, schroeder
  • [photran] RE: [photran-announce] Photran 4.0 beta 3 now available, Dennis McRitchie
  • [photran] Issues with Photran 4.0 beta 3 parsing., Howard Lander
  • [photran] request: install for quiche-eaters, Arjan van Dijk

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