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  • Re: [photran] stepping through code does leapfrog, (continued)
  • [photran] PTP Monthly Conference Call Today, Greg Watson
  • [photran] Help please. I am new., JAVIERDAZAPIC@xxxxxxxx
  • [photran] Debugging with Photran does not work (yet) [MinGW-g95], Arjan van Dijk
  • [photran] bug in outline view, Jean-Baptiste Faure
  • [photran] development, Arjan van Dijk
  • [photran] indexer error, David Bilyeu
  • [photran] other refactorings?, Mathew Yeates
  • [photran] Information, Claubia Pereira Bezerra Lima
  • [photran] which intel version is used in photran, Ronai Lisboa
  • [photran] Test - please disregard, Jeffrey Overbey
  • [photran] Architecture support, Wyatt Spear
  • [photran] Re: [cdt-dev] API breakage on 5.0.x, Greg Watson
  • [photran] Photran Error, Iqbal Jamal
  • [photran] Re: compile/link multiple files in multiple folders, Stefano Cottafavi
  • [photran] Photran bug in syntax highlighting, Henrik Lichtenberg
  • [photran] Photran bug in creating new fortran source files, Henrik Lichtenberg
  • [photran] Photran running on Windows - console output, Stephen Carr
  • [Photran] Bug about Pointer in Fortran77(Fixed Format) with Photran4.0.4, Rongwang LI
  • [photran] Feedback on beta 4, Jeffrey Overbey
  • [photran] beta 4, Jake Fennick
  • [photran] Photran 4.0 beta 4 now available, Jeffrey Overbey
  • [photran] Bug, jean perie
  • [photran] ganymede again., Wolfgang Glas
  • [photran] (Exec error:Cannot run make), David Bohorquez Carrascal
  • [photran] building photran, Jake Fennick
  • [photran] Photran non available with yoxos, jean perie
  • [photran] Question, А. Чертов
  • [photran] yoxos, Christian Meisenbichler
  • [photran] Intel Fortran Toolchain for x86_64, wspear
  • [photran] Re: [technology-pmc] RE: [photran-dev] Re: Moving Photran from Technology to be a, component of PTP, Anne Jacko
  • [photran] Can't get beta to work, Walt Brainerd
  • [Photran] Error about Pointer in Fortran77(Fixed Format) in Photran4.0.3, 李荣旺
  • [photran] photran release for ganymede?, Jake Fennick
  • [photran] Photran and Debugging, Marianne Weires
  • [photran] Re: Fwd: FW: [photran-dev] Moving Photran from Technology to be a component ofPTP, Ralph Johnson
  • [photran] Mixing C and Fortran (gfortran) code, Christian Pagé
  • [photran] eclipse photran newbie questions, Norio Tamura
  • [photran] A simple doubt with the eclipse europa/migwin, rgm melo
  • [photran] Project meta data is out of date for technology.photran, portal on behalf of emo
  • [photran] buggy and top-level makefile, Michael Wild
  • [photran] Fw: Problem installing PTP with TAU, Beth Tibbitts
  • [photran] Problem installing PTP with TAU, Tobias Brandvik
  • [photran] Can anyone help me about the cygwin f77 compiler about the fortran77 complex*16 data type., iii-lin
  • [photran] Debug Core / CDT spawner error, Beth Tibbitts
  • [photran] Pb apparently due to photran to install PTP perfomance analyzer with TAU from PTP 2.0.1 on Windows, Michel DEVEL
  • [photran] MacBook + Photran = CPU 100%, Fernanda Foertter

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