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[pde-ui-dev] Refreshing a part of TreeViewer

Hello everybody,
I am new in this mailing-list and I hope I throw the questions into the correct forum. If it is wrong, please give me a hint to where I should throw such questions. It is about TreeViewer in the Eclipse plug-in. I have a system that constantly add new leaves to the tree. And meanwhile the tree is updated or new item is added, I wish that someone can look inside and expand one of the leaves and that leaf is kept opened. Till now I am only using TreeViewer#refresh() method. This method refreshes correctly the model but collapses the whole tree and no leaves are opened. Thus we have to click again on the leaves to see inside.
Can anybody give me a hint how to realise that ?
Thank you very much.

Best regards,
Agustinus Tedja

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