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  • [pde-dev] Renaming a File, Ramakrishna RangaRao
  • [pde-dev] Current Project, daz lee
  • [pde-dev] get the path of a selected file in the resource, Patrick Babalola
  • [pde-dev] Project Type, daz lee
  • [pde-dev] Yet another plugin deployment problem, Count Zero
  • [pde-dev] Project not visible, Dalal
  • [pde-dev] URGENT! - Plug-in F12Plugin was unable to load class GlobalActivities, Count Zero
  • [pde-dev] Need Help ! How to show the Docmentation when we press F2 key in a Editor (Urgent), shiva shankar
  • [pde-dev] Providing Content Assist Help, shiva shankar
  • [pde-dev] Eclipse Form with TableViewer scroll problem, Krisztián Zsolt Sallai
  • [pde-dev] Error in creating WizardPage!, vidhya
  • [pde-dev] JMS Provide Connection Issues?, hongw
  • [pde-dev] Create a view by starting an RCP Client, Michael Sack
  • [pde-dev] Can we disable a Tool bar item for our own custom editor ?, Ramakrishna RangaRao
  • [pde-dev] Can u open a view on click of a button?, Ramakrishna RangaRao
  • [pde-dev] ActionFactory actions in actionSets, Peter Bracken
  • [pde-dev] Cut copy paste in tool bar, Chethan Rn
  • [pde-dev] Pagadala J Suresh/India/IBM is out of the office., Pagadala J Suresh
  • [pde-dev] Hiding CVS options, J Bharat
  • [pde-dev] Switching ApplicationWorkbenchAdvisors, Peter Bracken
  • [pde-dev] File -> New -->Wizard, Chethan Rn
  • [pde-dev] multiple dynamic popupMenus, Leen Toelen
  • [pde-dev] BundleContext and IPluginRegistry, 赵寒
  • [pde-dev] images as part of product, help needed, Vijay
  • [pde-dev] need help in building a plugin, Vijay
  • [pde-dev] Dinamically open a view, Marco Barbi
  • Re:[pde-dev] NoClassDefinitionFoundError installing exported plug-in, Ramakrishna RangaRao
  • Re: [pde-dev] NoClassDefinationFound Error installing 'Exported Plugin', Hasan Sunasara
  • [pde-dev] NoClassDefinationFound Error installing 'Exported Plugin', Hasan Sunasara
  • [pde-dev] problem with jni, Francesco Mangione
  • [pde-dev] ClassNotFoundException while installing my exported plugin, Hasan Sunasara
  • [pde-dev] objectContribution to other plugin, Leen Toelen
  • [pde-dev] Eclipse cannot find required libraries in plugin, Vinícius Pitta Lima de Araújo
  • [pde-dev] Editor without file?, Stone
  • [pde-dev] Updating a plugin, Leen Toelen
  • [pde-dev] Obtaining an *editable* model of the runtime workspace from development workspace, Robert M. Fuhrer
  • [pde-dev] compiling plugins for cross-platform distribution, public
  • [pde-dev] How to get multiple checkbox columns in CheckboxTableViewer, Chethan Rn
  • [pde-dev] the relationship among these classes, Stone
  • [pde-dev] Nonmodal dialog, Leen Toelen

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