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[pde-dev] Wizard behaving oddly

Hi there, 
I have another "bug" question. we have created a  wizard which creates
a new type of file.

This wizard is called, and if you have added it as short cut to the
right click, it opens , and the focus is set to the second Text box
(we added a setFocus())

this all works fine
(imagine the dialog, two text boxes, folder and file)

if you now create a new file by doing Ctrl + N and you select from the
tree the type, the wizard opens again, but this time the setFocus()
comand seems to be ignored and the focus goes to the first item.

This is the same class behaving differently, which is really strange.
ANybody come across something like this?


Mark Drew

coldfusion and cfeclipse blogged:
fusebox plugin for cfeclipse:

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