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Re: [papyrus-ic] Papyrus Industry Consortium Product Management Committee meeting - 2018-02-13

Merci Jean-Michel,

J’en prends note pour la réunion d’aujourd’hui.

Voici aussi le PDF de la carte heuristique:

Attachment: Papyrus Industry Consortium Product Management Plan 2018.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Regards / cordialement,

Charles Rivet
Senior Product Manager / directeur principal de produits - Zeligsoft
Chairman, Papyrus IC Product Management Committee / président du comité de gestion de produits du consortium industriel de Papyrus

On 2018-02-13, at 01:47 , JMB <bruel@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Charles,

could you add STAF’18 on the conference list?

Thanks in advance,

Jean-Michel Bruel
Professor at University of Toulouse
CNRS/IRIT Laboratory (Head of the SM@RT team)

Le 12 févr. 2018 à 19:53, <charles@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

Hello everyone!

Just a reminder for tomorrow’s Product Management Committee meeting.

We will be addressing parts of the 2018 product management plan. ("" class="">
If you do not have access to Tuleap, please let me know and I will send you the mind map in your choice of either Xmind or PDF format (with scalable graphics) - or both…

• Welcome
• Previous meeting
• Approval of minutes (Let me know if you do not have access to Tuleap and want the minutes).
• Status of actions
•  Agenda review
• Product Delivery
• Volunteers for workgroup
• :
• Product Governance
• Testing and Quality
• Liaison to Architecture Committee
• Project leads
• Marketing
• Volunteers for workgroup
• Conferences
• EclipseCon France
• INCOSE Symposium
• Models 2018
• EclipseCon Europe
• Ecosystem Development
• Volunteers for work group
• Next Meeting
• 2018-03-13 - same time
• Assets of interest
• Closing

• Link of interest: Product Management Committee Organization (online) (PDF), (Xmind)

Regards / cordialement,

Charles Rivet
Senior Product Manager / directeur principal de produits - Zeligsoft
Chairman, Papyrus IC Product Management Committee / président du comité de gestion de produits du consortium industriel de Papyrus

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