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  • Re: [osgi-dev] Calls in July, (continued)
  • [osgi-dev] Release reviews for OSGi Core Release 8 specifications, BJ Hargrave
  • [osgi-dev] is AllServiceListener called with ServiceEvent of Type MODIFIED_ENDMATCH, Stefan Bischof
  • [osgi-dev] Post: OSGi On Kubernetes - Configuration, Raymond Augé
  • [osgi-dev] Fw: Re: [osgi-wg] OSGI Working Group Committer Representative Election - Nomination Period Extended, BJ Hargrave
  • [osgi-dev] Updated invitation with note: OSGi Specification Project Call @ Every 2 weeks from 11:00 to 12:30 on Wednesday from Wed 2021-03-17 to Wed 2021-12-22 (EDT) (osgi-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx), hargrave
  • [osgi-dev] Fw: [osgi-wg] OSGi Working Group Committee Elections - Announcement - Correction Notice, BJ Hargrave
  • [osgi-dev] Features TCK-Development, Stefan Bischof
  • [osgi-dev] Project call this Wednesday - starting 30 min later, BJ Hargrave
  • [osgi-dev] Release plan for Compendium R8, BJ Hargrave
  • [osgi-dev] Minutes of the OSGi Specification Project meeting, 17th March 2021, David Bosschaert
  • [osgi-dev] Update on the OSGi Working Group, Jürgen Albert
  • [osgi-dev] Updated invitation: OSGi Specification Project @ Every 2 weeks from 11am to 12:30pm on Wednesday from Wed Mar 17 to Wed Dec 22 (EDT) (osgi-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx), hargrave
  • [osgi-dev] Invitation: OSGi Specification Project @ Every 2 weeks from 11am to 12:30pm on Wednesday from Wed Mar 17 to Wed Dec 22 (EDT) (osgi-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx), hargrave
  • [osgi-dev] Meeting schedule for the OSGi Specification Project, BJ Hargrave
  • [osgi-dev] Test to OSGi Specification Project email list, BJ Hargrave
  • Welcome to osgi-dev, portal on behalf of emo

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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