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[osgi-dev] Minutes from the Sepcification project call 24/04/24

Dear all,

Here are the minutes from today's call

Best Regards,




Tim Ward

Amit Mondal,

David Bosschaert

James Hunt

Feature Launcher

  • Tim presents the updates
    • David asks about Feature Merging, James requests that feature merging be kept out of the scope of dynamic installation
      • Tim agrees that this will be part of the specification but handled separately from the Feature Launcher and Feature Runtime
      • The Feature Runtime may have rudimentary deduplication for bundles and configuration keys
      • Complex merging will be carried out using the merging process and then the merged feature can be used for launching/installing/updating
    • David points out that the bundle metadata could be used to keep specific start level mappings closer to the bundle ids
      • Tim will update to use this for bundle start levels, but keep the extension for having a default start level

Pull requests

  • Upload and Download actions must be updated due to deprecation warnings


  • David asks about OCX
    • Tim confirms that the OSGi Community Summit plans to go ahead at OCX
    • Dates to be confirmed. Announcements will go out when submissions are open
    • James reconfirms that there will be space at the Aicas offices to do a face to face steering committee meeting beforehand

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