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[os-gov-dev] Welcome to the Eclipse OS-Gov project!

Hiho good people, 

This email provides some details about our new Eclipse OS-Gov project and what are the next steps.

## Where are we?

The Eclipse OS-Gov project is being proposed as a *normal* open source project, and is to follow the Eclipse process [1] -- which implies an open, transparent and meritocratic collaboration model [2].

We have created a project proposal [3, 4], which is currently open to the public for community review, and if nobody objects (by commenting on the ticket [3] or sending an email on this mailing list) the resources (i.e. GitLab project) should be provisioned by early November.
Until then, this mailing list [7] is a good place to start the conversation, define what we want to produce and how, and answer any question you may have.

We created a survey [5] to get approval from the community to reuse the work done in Brussels in February [6]. If you have not yet done so, please take 2 minutes to fill it. 

## What's next?

* Start the conversation here in order to get some common agreement about the scope and working of our community. 
* Discuss how the work should happen: structure/WPs, regular calls, chairperson?
* Gather agreement on the early work done in February in Brussels [5, 6].
* Early November, we get a brand new GitLab project and start populating it with a skeleton -- ideally based on the structure of the February pads [6].
* Develop a rock-solid and widely recognised set of recommendations to foster and protect open source projects. 
* Publish it and save the world.

## What can I do?

Thanks for asking! :-)

Please spread the word: we miss a lot of the wonderful people who were there before, and we need them all. Diversity will undoubtedly be a key to our success.
You can ask them to at least answer the survey, and maybe register to this mailing list (or even contribute!).

If you have any question, doubt, or comment, please feel free to ask on this mailing list, which is transparency-wise the best option. 
If you feel more comfortable with a private chat, I'll be happy to discuss one-to-one. 


Thank you for your attention, have a beautiful day/evening/nigh!

Boris Baldassari
Open Source Consultant | Eclipse Foundation Europe GmbH
M:+33 648038289

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