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Re: [open-regulatory-compliance] Let's start a CRA FAQ

Hi everyone,

Please find the meeting notes below for the CRA FAQ kickoff call below. They're also available directly on GitLab.



Meeting notes


  • Tobie Langel (UnlockOpen / EF ORC WG tech lead)
  • Merlijn Sebrechts (imec)
  • Luis Villa (Tidelift; first half only)
  • Georg Kunz (Ericsson)
  • Steffen Zimmermann (VDMA, connect on linkedin)
  • Greg Wallace (FreeBSD)
  • Sophie Alger (Qt)
  • Allison Randal (Capabilities Limited)
  • Jeremy Stanley (OpenInfra Foundation)
  • Luc Poulin (Cogentas)
  • Gerardo Lisboa (ESOP - Portugal) [linkedin]
  • Dirk-Willem van Gulik (Apache Software Foundation)
  • Stefano Pampaloni (RIOS - Italy)
  • Olle E Johansson (Edvina - Sweden)
  • Ria Farrell Schalnat (Hewlett Packard Enterprise - Seattle, WA)


  • Approve agenda
  • Intros
  • Clarify goals of project:
    • Create FAQ for CRA information hub
    • Potentially repurpose content as input for EU Commission's CRA guidelines
  • Define processes for:
    • Collecting FAQs
      • Copy questions from the ORC WG mailing list into GitLab issues or add your own
      • Encourage ML participants to provide feedback in GitLab
      • How do we separate or combine questions for multiple audiences?
        • Audience tags?
        • Some appetite for this, but this might be a bit too soon.
        • Suggestion to use GitLab labels for audiences.
        • We could use filters to create multiple views for different audiences.
    • Defining FAQ categories, Categorising FAQs
      • Consensus is to move forward with ad-hoc labeling and organize labels as we move forward. 
    • Answering FAQs
      • Be clear that we’re not giving legal advice.
      • Could be presented as community consensus, not official Eclipse document
      • Possibly needs legal consultation
      • Keep close contact with the European Commission to get their feedback
      • Add warning that this is a live document
      • Consider linking to / copying EC guidelines when those show up
      • Date answers and track changes in the FAQ
    • Validating FAQ answers
    • Approving an FAQ
    • Publishing FAQs
      • Must define some form of publishing process, perhaps agreement during call or async decision
    • Is this more than FAQ?
      • Should we call it a “Question Bank” ?
  • Contribution, update to Wikipedia CRA article
    • Not discussed.
  • Discuss logistics:
    • Do we schedule a recurring meeting?
      • “Working” meetings to discuss outstanding questions/answers when it’s hard to find consensus.
      • Consensus for monthly call
  • Any Other Business
  • Adjourn

Action items

  • Ping mailing list to offer intro to GitLab session again.
  • Schedule monthly call at the same time

On Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 5:17 PM Tobie Langel <tobie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

Apologies for the calendaring issues on our end. Not sure what happened. The invite already disappeared once over the weekend, and I thought I had fixed it.

This should be fixed now and be visible in the community calendar.

Just in case, here's the zoom link:

The call starts in a little over 10 minutes.

See you there!


On Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 5:05 PM Greg Wallace via open-regulatory-compliance <open-regulatory-compliance@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
fwiw I also did not see it on the calendar. I will join for the first 30 then need to drop

On Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 10:52 AM Hendrik Ebbers via open-regulatory-compliance <open-regulatory-compliance@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Tobi,

somehow, I can not see the meeting on the calendar. Is that a problem on my side, or is it not part of the CRA calendar?
Sadly I have a conflict the first 30 min but will try to join later.


Am 26.08.2024 um 16:30 schrieb Tobie Langel via open-regulatory-compliance <open-regulatory-compliance@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

Hi all,

Quick reminder that the kickoff call on the CRA FAQ starts in one hour.

See you there,


On Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 12:07 AM Tobie Langel <tobie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

Thanks to all those of you who answered the doodle.

Our kickoff meeting is scheduled on Monday, August 26, 5:30pm CEST (World Time). It's been added to the Community Calendar (iCal format).

Please feel free to add your comments and thoughts there. 

Looking forward to seeing you there!


On Mon, Aug 19, 2024 at 6:27 PM Tobie Langel <tobie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

I've created a dedicated repository for collecting and answering FAQs:

I'm planning a kick off meeting next week to get us started. The goal of this initial meeting will be to scope the work around FAQs, define the processes for collecting, categorising, answering, and validating the answers to FAQs, and possibly plan a recurring meeting.

Please share your availability here:

Looking forward to getting started.


On Mon, Aug 5, 2024 at 6:59 PM Tobie Langel <tobie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

Following up on a recent thread, I suggest we start an FAQ for the CRA.

I've added an FAQ file[1] in our GitLab. We will include it in our upcoming information hub.

If you're interested in helping out with the CRA FAQ, please let me know by replying to this thread.

If you're not set up for Eclipse's GitLab yet, please feel free to let me know (privately if you prefer). I'll walk you through the set up personally.

The plan is to:
  1. start collecting questions
  2. organize them in categories
  3. clean them up
  4. find quality answers to each question
  5. publish them in a way that makes them as easy to reference as possible
We should be able to do most of this async, but setting up an initial call plus some regular check-ins might be a good idea.

Who's with me?


Tobie Langel
Tech Lead Open Regulatory Compliance WG, Eclipse Foundation
Principal, UnlockOpen
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Greg Wallace
Director of Partnerships & Research
M +1 919-247-3165
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