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[open-regulatory-compliance] Annotation and comments for official doc

Hi all,

yesterday, during office hours, Tobie shared his Markdown parser of the legal EU document with us. Based on that, we had a more extended discussion about how to use that tooling and outcome to comment on and annotate the legal document. I want to share my thoughts on that topic as a base for future discussions:

- I like to have a markdown version of the document. From my point of view, markdown provides all the functionalities and features needed to create a good representation of the content as a base to work with.
- Since several paragraphs are pretty complex, I would like to extend the parser to create the markdown in multiple languages. That would allow us to switch between languages quickly.
- As mentioned yesterday, I assume it will be a good idea to create 1 markdown file per article. Doing so will make it easier to add annotations and comments (per article). We could create to each article a comments markdown file (,,, An automatic build can make 1 large markdown (or HTML) per language from all files. The content of the comments markdown could be put in a blockquote (> in markdown syntax) by the generator. We could do the same for annotations and tags ( Here, we could use a list, blockquote, or any other markdown syntax for the annotations. I attached a super simple illustration that shows how it could look like.
- I would like to add annotations and comments using pull requests. By doing so, a discussion between the WG members can happen in the PRs, and the outcome added to the document won’t be a long discussion but more of a comment from the entire group.
- Have you already discussed moving to GitHub instead of using Eclipse GitLab? By using GitHub, we would reach out to way more people.


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