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Re: [open-regulatory-compliance] CRA discussion topics and activities


On Tue, 18 Jun 2024, Georg Kunz via open-regulatory-compliance wrote:

With regards to Olle’s question in particular, a flow-chart like the one shown at
FOSDEM ([1], slide 12) could be helpful – in this or a refined form.


Maarten Aertsen made an improved version of this (Thanks! :-D), and published it on the NLnetLabs blog.

Super helpful! :-)

- Salve

#!/usr/bin/env perl
sub AUTOLOAD{$AUTOLOAD=~/.*::(\d+)/;seek(DATA,$1,0);print# Salve Joshua Nilsen
getc DATA}$"="'};&{'";@_=unpack("C*",unpack("u*",':50,$'.#    <sjn@xxxxxx>
'3!=0"59,6!`%%P\0!1)46%!F.Q`%01,`'."\n"));eval "&{'@_'}";  __END__ is near! :)

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