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[oniro-wg] Oniro WG Marketing Committee Meeting 2020wk16


## MoM Oniro WG Marketing Committee 2022wk16

please find the Minutes of Meeting (MoM), approved during this week's session. 
During this session both MoMs, 2022wk14 and 2022wk16 were approved. The reason 
can be read in these minutes.


Please find on gitlab the all minutes.


### MoM key points

This are the key points of the meeting, added here for convenience.

"#### Review and approval of IP transfer contract description

* @toscalix will talk to Carlo P. on this topic to bring a solution for the 
next session.

#### Initial draft presentation of the the Oniro WG Program Plan

* # link <
* Agustin describes the plan.
* Chiara will provide feedback through a ticket. Agustin will use it to 
collect feedback from others.

#### AoB  

* Salvatore Cina introduced himself.

#### Resolutions

No resolutions since we did not reach the minimum number for the Ballot (2). 

### Oniro WG Marketing Committee All Marketing Representatives

#### Marketing Plan: initial draft.

* #link to draft <h> 
* Chiara provided context first and then explain the slide deck.

Next steps:
* Clark suggest to have a 1:1 with Chiara to go over the document.
* Ebba asks for the coming steps
   * In two weeks we expect to have a solid draft.
   * The we wait for the Program Plan to be approved.
   * We adjust the Marketing Plan to the Program Plan if required.
   * We go for an approval in the first possible Marketing Committee.
   * So target date: May 18th

#### Social Media accounts + Review Sociable platform

No time to cover this point.

#### AoB  

* Schedule a meeting about the website. #task for Clark/Agustin"

Best Regards
Agustin Benito Bethencourt
Oniro Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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