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[oniro-wg] Current marketing repository to be archived. Long live to the new marketing subgroup

Dear Oniro marketing colleagues,

## Context

At the Proposal stage, I was assuming most of the responsibilities related 
with managing the information on gitlab as well as the repositories 
themselves. Advancing the transitory nature of this situation, I configured a 
specific subgroup for that stage, the Proposal-Incubation-stage-oniro 
(incubation should not have been part of the name).

## Transition

Now that Oniro WG is at incubation stage and the Committees are up and 
running, it is time to deprecate such subgroup and work in the default places. 
We are already doing so for each committee.

It is time for the marketing content to transition 

Link: Link: 

and, in parallel, for me to delegate some of the current responsibilities I 
still have associated to managing the marketing content. With the experience 
accumulated over the past months, we are able to define configurations and 
structures that hopefully will satisfy the needs for some time. 

## Follow up and deadline

This transition process on the marketing content area is described on this 


The target date to finish this process is 6th May.

## Communications

Discussions will be held at the oniro-wg-marketing mailing list.


Once the process is finalised, I will send a communication to this mailing 

## Call for help

During these coming days, until the process ends, there will be some impact 
and risks we need to consider. In order to minimise both, please follow the 
current advices:
* Do not create new tickets until the transition is over.
* Do not create new MR in Marketing-proposal-incubation-oniro
* Create all the MR from now on in the corresponding repositories located in 
* Ping me if you add/modify content on the current wiki.

If you have doubts, the general rule is... do it in the new marketing 

Ping me if you have questions.

Best Regards

Agustin Benito Bethencourt
Oniro Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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