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[oniro-wg] MoM - Oniro WG Steering Committee 2022wk15

Dear Oniro ecosystem members,

## MoM Oniro Steering Committee 2022wk15

please find the Minutes of Meeting (MoM), approved today.


Please find on gitlab the approved minutes from previous meetings.


### MoM key points

This are the key points of the meeting

#### Program Plan consolidated draft approval

This is only a preliminary version for larger consideration and formal 
approval. Davide illustrates. There is no objections to move it to the next 
phase for approval.

#### Specification Committee and projects feedback of shared material 


We have started to take the initial steps towards creating the Oniro WG 
Specification Committee and Specification projects. These are the main steps 
of such process:
1. Strategic Member appoint Oniro WG Spec. Committee representative.
1. Specification Committee Launch meeting.
1. Election of the additional two committee members representing Silver 
members and committers.
1. Specification Committee Meeting with all members.
   1. 30, 60, 90 days plan as guidance.
1. Specification project submission.
1. Adoption of responsibility by the Oniro Spec. Committee of the 
specification project. 
1. Specification project approved.
1. Committers appointed.

For lack of time, and consensus to discuss it openly, moved to the public 

#### Resolutions

- Approve Minutes
- Approve candidate program plan.

#### AoB  (Open Floor)

No AoB

### Oniro WG SC All Members Meeting minutes

#### Program Plan

* Please find the Program Plan draft in .pptx , .odp and .pdf versions in this 
folder of the repository: #link <>

Prgram plan as approved in its candidate version is shared with the people 

#### Roadmap process discussion


Current state of the process:
* First round of feedback adressed.
* Second round of feedback has been acknowledged and discussed. It is in the 
process of being included in the process documentation.
   * The team working on this (Agustin and Sebastian) have collected feedback 
from (not only): Jarek, Phil, Marta, Carlo and Andrei, in addition to several 
people at Eclipse Foundation.
Next steps:
* Add the remain changes to the documentation and socialise it.
* Start the third and final iteration.
* Provide the documentation to the Oniro WG SC.
* Include the approval of the process in the next Oniro WG SC meeting.
* Publish the process.
* Select the Roadmap Team members.
* Start implementing it.

##### Links

* #link to the diagram that summarises the relation between specs, initiatives 
and a release <>
* #link Infographic that summarises the process (draft) as well as relevant 
links <
* #link Roadmapping process description (draft) <
* You can find a more detailed description of next steps in the ticket #link: 

##### Discussion

Agustin runs the attending people through it. Agustin mentions that soon the 
elections for the Specification committee will be announced soon.

#### AoB  (Open Floor)

No AoB

Agustin Benito Bethencourt
Oniro Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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